It's here!
It's here!

How excited are you to start spreading sunshine?

Today we are focusing close to home.  
Our neighbors.
Whether you know them, or just would like to know them, know that they will be surprised and delighted by a thoughtful treat.

It doesn't have to be fancy.
Who has time for fancy?

It could be a little stack of Pillsbury break and bake cookies, stacked in a jar, finished off with a cute tag.
Preferably delivered by a trio of girls in their pajamas.

Did I have dreams of making my favorite pumpkin bread?
Plans to deliver it during the daylight hours?
Did I find myself lacking both the pumpkin and the daylight?

Maybe.  Because sometimes plans don't always go the way you think that they will.
You know what?  My plans don't matter.  My neighbor matters.

The darling neighbor, who fetches our mail while we are away, who dotes on my littles like they were her own grandchildren, was happily surprised when those same littles, came smiling and bearing cookies to her doorstep tonight.

Perhaps she is sitting down under a cozy blanket right now with a glass of milk and her jar of cookies.
Warmly knowing that we care about and appreciate her.

Who needs a treat in your neighborhood today?

Mique of 30Days made this lovely tag, reminding us to delight in the little things.
{click HERE to download a printable set and HERE for another adorable version.}

Isn't it the little things that often get overlooked?

Isn't it the little things that when noticed can really get us through the big things?

Today I will choose to delight in them.

Mique's dear friend Sharlie delights in them daily as she fights a hard fight.
We wanted to highlight and support Sharlie's Angels as they help raise money for this wife and mama who is awaiting a heart and double lung transplant.

You can learn about sweet Sharlie here.
Shop for Sharlie here (so many goodies to be had!)
Donate directly to her fund here.

May your find delight as you bless a neighbor today.
May you send love by donating to Sharlie's Angels or by shopping for Sharlie.

{Next up:  Handwritten note day.  Sharpen your pencils.  It's time to get old school.}
happy day


  1. Im so excited to get started! Would it be possible to get all the printables now? We don't have a printer at home and my husband will be traveling so I can't have him print them at work each day. Thanks!!!

  2. I love this. What an amazing idea.

  3. I love this!

    I just made my neighbors cheesecake filled pumpkin muffins last week--I think we'll be doing another little goody for them today.

    Genius idea and totally wish I was your neighbor today :)

  4. It's going to be so fun to see how the Lord works through this protject! We've had a hard time connecting with our next door neighbors since we moved in...3 1/2 years ago! I've often thought of taking them a little something to break the ice and just never have. Today's the day!

  5. Such a fun idea! Love it and the printable!

  6. shopped for Sharlie.
    making pumpkin bread. TJ's boxed. couldn't be easier. thanks pal.

  7. Love this idea - I helped the special Education Teacher at my son's school today - she saw what I was/have been doing for his class & really wanted the all the same games for her room but has no parent helper - So I offered to do the project for her. The tears in her eyes - made my day - she said no one has ever offerd to help her.

  8. I'm on it! I have just the neighbor in mind. :0)

  9. love it! pumpkin muffins are in the oven right now! thank you!

  10. Just looked at some of your styling for DrewB... You are both brilliant :) Too bad I'm in OH ;)

    And, thanks for the printables :) Beautifulness :)

  11. HOORAY!
    i had different plans than actually happened, too.
    it didn't matter at all, you're right!
    this is so AWESOME. love ya!

  12. I'm back to college for the umteenth time and I'm bringing my teacher some dry erase markers. As a teacher working towards a special ed credential, I know how teachers always need more markers! Thanks for getting us started on sharing so much happiness.

  13. thank you for bringing sunshine into my world. your posts always lift my spirit and I enjoy your perspective on things! we are baking our cookies as I type to deliver to new neighbors!!

  14. thank you! what a great idea and adorable printable!

  15. Very excited! Thanks for the wonderful idea! Love to get my give on!

    Jess @ Eat.Pray.Mommy.

  16. Very excited! Thanks for the wonderful idea! Love to get my give on!

    Jess @ Eat.Pray.Mommy.

  17. Ok.....I just brought my neighbor who is outside mowing her lawn some hot apple cider. I don't feel like it counts, though. Scrambling, trying to think what else I can do today.....

  18. I am so happy I came across your blog - what a fantastic idea!!!

  19. an update - the kids and i brought our lovely older widowed neighbor the pumpkin muffins and i know she loved us visiting more than the muffins. it was a great feeling knowing we made her day:)
    thank you again for these ideas to get us rolling.

  20. Thank you for being an inspiration and encouraging us to look outside ourselves in such creative little ways. I love the additional opportunity to support different charities that we otherwise wouldn't have known about.

  21. I am starting a Charity: Water Campaign for Christmas. If you would consider sharing the word on Thursday about my campaign that would be AMAZING! My blog about it can be found here:
    And my actual campaign page can be found here:
    I'm working on getting a giveaway together to encourage people to give! I think it would be awesome to build a well this Christmas and make a difference in the lives of a community! Thanks for your consideration and help! :) Love The Happy Day Project!

  22. Loved doing this today! And our neighbors were so surprised. Thanks for the great idea and printable. :)

  23. thank you for the beautiful inspiration. we took cookies to 4 neighbors tonight and are looking forward to the rest of the week!! you are awesome ;)

  24. We delivered 4 girl scout tins full of chocolates that we bought to 4 of our neighbors tonight. The kids thought it wad so fun and who doesnt love girl scout chocolates. :-)

  25. Sent my hubby and son off to our next door neighbors w/blueberry muffins and a note my son wanted to make them while I finished off dinner...we made it a whole family thing! :) It was a happy day indeed! Thanks!

  26. I am of course a day late.... but I am on board. I love this project! I printed out my "delight in the little things" cards and can't wait to bake tomorrow and surprise a few people.
    Blessings to you!! Tracy Fisher

  27. Such a lovely idea! I didnt get any pictures to post to my blog but i did get to bless my neighbor. Her grand daughter lives with her and is always comig by to say hello. I decided to make her a couple of cute headbands and some cookies. When we delivered them she was super excited. We invited them to church too!

  28. Same here...we were walking the streets of our neighborhood in the dark. It was a beautiful night and the kids commented on how nice it was. We had in mind the two neighbors we were going to give our treats to but changed our plans when we passed a neighbor walking her dog...we felt that was a God moment and that she was who we should give them to. Turns out her response was the greatest. She was so thankful. Thanks so much for prompting us with this challenge. :-)

  29. What a great idea! Just found you through a friend's blog. We are joining in too. :) Already making cookies for a teacher's luncheon tomorrow and took cookies to a neighbor last week - so we aren't too far behind! Again, awesome idea!

  30. I saw this on Instagram! I'm going to start this in the am w/my 3 girls in pjs! Thanks for inspiring us all! =)
