A peek inside our week via the wonder of Instagram.

 Collecting supplies for this meaningful garden.

In N Out. Lemon pepper fries.  Like whoa.  
(Squeeze lemons, douse with pepper.  Don't judge until you try it.)

 Can you say Allora Addiction?

 After hearing lot and lots of hype I had to do some personal research.  

 I like them.  A lot a lot a lot.

 Although my heart belongs to the Cholula lady, I like this guy too.  Especially when he is involved in chips.

 I like her.  A lot a lot a lot.

 The scene of the daisy theft.

 Strawberry cranberry lime slush.  Boom.
Not even during happy hour.
I'm a baller.

 Searching for a replacement color for the UPS truck.

Teaching the fine art of 80's splatter painting to a little girl invited to glow birthday party.

That concludes this week's tour through my camera phone.
Same time, same place next week.


  1. Oh man! The habit was my absolute favorite place in ventura, but not for their burgers. I love their teriyaki chicken sandwich dipped in thru homeade ranch. Go back and give it another try!

  2. One day I'll make it to Cali so I can go to In N Out. Ooh, a strawberry cranberry limeade sounds good to me right now...you are a baller with your full price slushie.

  3. little girls in leotards. way too cute.

  4. Oh I love Chulula too, but it's expensive at the grocery store and the bottle is little, I found the big bottle at Smart and Final for the same price as the small on at Ralph's, Tapatio is my last resort have you tried Valentina, it's good too! Yes we have a hot sauce obsession in this house!

  5. love your little girls in their leotards, adorable!

  6. Those pictures of your girls make my heart melt!

  7. that was a great tour...I love all your comments about each pic! :)

  8. You always brighten my mood...you are one witty woman! Have a great weekend!

  9. how can you say MEH about The Habit??? What are you smoking? ;-) Haha. It's the best! so much better than in 'n out! :-)

  10. Thanks for the tip on the lemon pepper fries. I'm going to try. Cute pictures and comments. I need a little chuckle.

  11. Lemon pepper fries huh? Sounds kinda yummy to me:)And Im very much loving instagram these days although Ive not used it myself. I enjoy everyone else's pics.
    Have a great weekend!

  12. I think my kids would LOVE splatter painting :) I'm not brave enough to try, though!

  13. oh i love instagram and your pics are great!

  14. Beautiful pictures Julie and such great memories captured. Have a wonderful weekend!!

  15. ooh, i can't wait to see pics of your easter garden! in eggs? genius twist. also still need that sonic dream in a cup. also, dont know what instagram is...an iphone thing? i'm so not in the club.

  16. Oh my word that pic of Janey is too cute! Can you make me some 80's tights too?

  17. Lemon pepper fries?!? GENIUS! I love In N Out fries (my husband hates them), I love lemon and I love pepper. Match made in heaven! Thanks for the suggestion, I would have never thought of it. But shall I say that I would probably have to have a lemon in the car with me because the fries NEVER make it home. And thanks for the link up :)

  18. i am so glad to see your "meh" on the habit. they won't be becoming a "habit" for this family. "in n out" is cheaper and yummier! now i gotta go try me some lemon pepper fries. yum-o!

  19. I'm relatively new to California so of course I'm new to In & Out. Its so funny to me all of these "secret" things that aren't on the menu like "animal style." I never would have thought of lemon pepper fries! Thanks for the idea!
