In sixth grade we had to write a career report on what we wanted to be when we grew up.
I was absolutely positive that I would attend Auburn and become a veterinarian.
I got an A+ on the report.  Which may or may not have had something to do with the calligraphy and decoupage on the cover.  But my vet plans easily evaporated as I realized the vast amounts of science and math that would be required.

 Life takes funny turns.  What we are so very sure of, can change so dramatically.  If I could write a new report about my dream job, it would involve working with a brilliant photographer and helping them style their shoots.
Funny how that wasn't really an option as I rode my bike to the local library to research careers on the microfiche machine.  No Google in my day, friends.
 But now, I actually have my dream job.  Planning our family pictures is one of my favorite things to do all year.  And, yes, it fills my mind all 365 days.  Normal?  Perhaps not.  Fun?  Absolutely.
I love the process.  The brainstorming.  Planning with Drew on what would work, what we could do that is new, fun, original.  Chatting colors, locations, shoes, details.  Those are a few of my favorite things.
Seeing it all come together, when it was almost falling apart?  
Happiness.  Just happiness.
Do I make my husband a little crazy? 
With a van full of stuff that has to be dragged through a field or down a sandy beach?
Maybe a little.  But he indulges (tolerates) me, because he is just that amazing.

In the moment, when it is crazy and chaotic and we are racing against the sunset.
When I am forcefully whispering through a smile and gritted teeth to my kids to NOT BE SO CRAZY!!!!
When we sneak alone to take some pictures of just us together as the girls collect shells, we look at each other and smile.
It was worth it.  All of it.
 That is why I'd so rather be a stylist than a photographer.  The entire shoot, I teetered on the edge of a panic attack, trying not to sweat, because sweaty pictures are not pretty pictures.
Drew on the other hand was a case study in serenity.
She calmly, quietly corralled my band of wild ones exactly where they need to be without them even knowing it.  Then she let them be who they are.  Who we are.  Nothing stresses her.  Nothing worries her.  She switches cameras, lenses, locations, and light with ease.  She knows the exact perfect moment to bring out the gummi bears.
Somehow through all of her peace and grace, she keeps snapping away and gives us these forever moments.  Bathed in sunshine, love and pretty light.

Like I said.  This right here?  My dream job.  Pretty fun that I get to do it for those I love the most.

Now what should we do next year?

In case you are nerdy like me, and want to know where things came from, here is a list of the rainbow goodness.
Hello Sunshine bunting- Tidbit.
Rainbow quilt- Target clearance, last summer.  $12.97.  Don't hate.
Janey's patchwork dress- Peace of Cake Kids.
Lulu's apron dress- Matilda Jane, with a new apron made by my sweet mom.
Halley's skirt- Darla's Clothing Boutique.
Janey & Halley's leggings- made with fabric from Ruffle Fabric using No Big Dill's tutorial.
Headbands- made by me using Haute Blue B's rosette tutorial.
Yellow coat- found on Ebay, shipped from Hong Kong.  That could have gone badly.  So glad it didn't.
Aqua mum earrings-  Angel Face Designs
Shoes- Converse
Table- from our old kitchen, legs cut down and spray painted.


  1. Love these photos Julie. Drew did an amazing job! And that kitchen table cut down was a fantastic idea-love the spray paint. Wish I would have seen that clearance rug. So cute! Love it all!!

  2. You would be wonderful at your dream job! The photos and set-up are amazing! I do a family photo for our Christmas card-nothing as coordinated as yours! I also just use a tri-pod. I get my exercise that day. You have inspired me to stretch my imagination! My guys won't appreciate it!

  3. I wish I had your talent for styling photo shoots! If I try to put my family in bright colors it always ends up badly, not sure what I'm doing wrong! And don't get me started on the time I tried to make us all wear March no less...FAIL.

  4. And you do such a great job!! I'm sure DrewB would agree with me when I say you make it easy by being gorgeous anyway! I love everything about this collection!

  5. Well, if you are looking for a first client, I'm your gal! Love beyond words. LOVE love. Amazing. The end.

  6. Love.

    Bald baby is not quite as bald anymore!!!

  7. May be the best photo shoot in the history of all the world.

    For realsies.

    Love you, friend!

  8. PS - did you see when Peace of Cake was on zulily?!?!

  9. okay, every little detail it took to take these was well worth it I would say. these are absolutely a feast for the eyes, heart, and soul!

    just beautiful!

  10. It was a WONDERFUL shoot and all your planning paid off... Bright and Brillant!

  11. I'm in awe right now. Utterly spectacular. And that coat, with the earrings to offset the yellow, and your HAIR?!? I DIE! Too pretty for words :)

  12. I just love the colors... maybe you could be a stylist for pictures. I would love to hire you... I have zero skillz in that area, but I would love some colorful happy family pics.

  13. AMAZING!!!! The pictures take my breath away.

  14. Julie, did your heart totally skip a beat when you saw these?! Wow, they are gorgeous. I love all the colors, and yes, I tried to find that rainbow quilt last summer... it was sold out. You luck duck.

  15. You did such a great job! I love what you guys do every year. It inspires me to create awesome family shoots for my very own family.

  16. The pictures are beautiful! And I am still so sad that I didn't get one of those quilts at Target before they were all gone!!

  17. Love all the photos and syling! Your family is adorable, such cute kiddos. I graduated from Auburn with an Interior Design degree. But my sister works in equine surgery at the Vet School and it is fun to go visit her at work. War Eagle!

  18. The pictures turned out amazing. You definitely have an eye for this...and probably could turn it into a business!

    My comment is unrelated though. I clicked on the link you had for your old house and that pipe you put up in your kitchen to hang your pots on is SO AWESOME. What a great idea. I would love, love, love to have that in my house.

  19. I absolutely love every photo you take. I agree that being a stylist on a set would be crazy fun! YOu are awesome!!

  20. I am so in love with these pictures. Having DrewB take my family pictures would be a dream come true but I would never come up with something for us to wear like you did. Spectacular!

  21. Oh I totally get this! And you did a phenomenal job! Those pictures are some of the best family pictures I'v ever seen! Your family is beautiful!

  22. Julie, these are truly so beautiful! If you were sweating I could not tell. Glowing? Yes. For sure. Glow away! Your family is beautiful!

  23. What an amazing setting for a family photo! You really outdid yourself with the colors and stylizing. This is probably one of the most precious family photos I have ever seen. I'm loving all those vibrant colors especially in the girls matching headbands!

  24. first off...your new family photos are phenom! secondly, i would sell my oldest to have janey's dress for my youngest. {not really, but who's keeping score?} thirdly, SHUT THE FRONT DOOR! i applied to 2 colleges. count them, TWO! university of kansas and auburn. rock, chalk won out over war eagle, but again, who's keeping score. xoxo!

  25. I LOVE these pictures!!!! I LOVE those color combinations and would love to one day have family pictures like that. Unfortunately, we don't have a photographer in my small hometown that awesome! I am hoping to get 1/2 way there for our family pictures this spring! thanks for sharing the outfits too!

  26. Beautiful pictures and a beautiful family! Have a great week Julie!

  27. you're crackin me up on the hong kong ebay jacket. :) wow. and the rainbow of converses idea. that was genius.

  28. they turned out amazingly; looks like it should be in a magazine advertising a clothing line.

    btw--where are the girls' necklaces from? they caught my eye. or are they candy necklaces??

  29. Whatever happened with the dress or tunic that was way too big? Did you sew the replacement?

  30. These turned out fantastic! Such a gorgeous family.

  31. Truly beautiful photos. I think you are already a huge success at your dream job -- just looking at these colorful photos makes me happy. Love your blog.

  32. I have to agree with Heather's comment. The best photo shoot in the world. LOVE <LOVE< LOVE the tablescape shot.

  33. Gorgeous pictures. You can style my photo shoots any time... you know when I have a photo shoot.

  34. I swear Julie - when I plan our family photos my first thought is "I need to look at Julie's blog for ideas, what would she wear?" I need you to plan OUR family shoots! PLEASE!!!

  35. Julie, you are beautiful. The Lord is so graceious and kind and I love seeing his beauty through your family. Thank you for sharing. You are inspiring!

  36. I love it, Julie. So bright, cheerful, happy,'s perfect. :)

  37. this is the perfect job for you!! I wish you were on the east coast to help me with two styled shoots I want to do!

  38. You certainly have a touch for styling, I'm so jealous!!

  39. Julie. You are like one of the quirkiest peoples I know! This is a hoot. Dream job. yes! so fab.
    {my sis just graduated from Vet school at Auburn, and I agree with you}!

  40. Love these pictures! You always do an amazing job!!! I don't know that my hubby would go along with all that :)

  41. Gorgeous photos! I love the headbands on the girls. So precious.

  42. wowo Julie....I do want some help styling some photos of teenagers.....sort of like senior photos but much more creative....are you interested in sharing any ideas? thanks and your photos are so colorful and amazing...and your family is beyond gorgeous...and that shoot captures the fun spirit of you and your family! hugs

  43. I love that you wanted to attend Auburn because that's where I went. Although I'm no vet! But you do make some pretty pictures and post some great blog ideas. I bet in 6th grade you didn't think you'd be doing so well at that!

  44. The photos are amazing! The singles of the girls are just beautiful. I absolutely adore the one of you and your husband holding hands and the girls holding hands behind you. I loved every color and every detail. Just gorgeous.

  45. lovedjangoYour family is beautiful, the girls have amazing eyes,like yours. 2 questions I LOVE the rainbow quilt and your daughters orange ruffled leggings. May I ask where you bought them? I enjoy your blog!

  46. dude... totally hating on you for that quilt. i want one. guess i'll have to make one. one day.

  47. great photos. We have that rainbow quilt also

  48. I featured your darling rainbow loveliness in my roundup!

  49. If you ever want to sell that quilt I will pay big bucks for it!!!!!!!!
