Once upon a time my husband was a drummer.
The night after our first date he left for tour.
Much of the first two years of our marriage were spent on a tour bus.
Happy, happy memories.

{Spirit West Coast 5/29/10}

This summer he has picked up his drum sticks and joined his best friends on the road again for a reunion tour.

Everyone is grown up.
There are now 14 little Supertones kids.

They are heading out to preach the gospel,
reach your heart,
ska ska ska.

{Saddleback Church 5/30/10}

Go see them live,
friend them on Facebook,
follow them on Twitter,
visit their blog,
track their adventures.

For your entertainment, here is some old school awesomeness.
If you are quick you might catch a glimpse of vintage me.
Don't be jealous of my acting skills, hair dye or overalls.
It will be really hard.  But do your best.  It was cute at the time...


  1. i don't know if this makes me love you more or hate you just a little. i am a long time supertones fan. :) ahh...old school memories. :) i suddenly feel really really old.

  2. oh goodness! the good ol' days.

  3. I just heard they were at spirit west coast and thought of you!! :D Loved the old school video!!

  4. That is so awesome! and love the vintage you:)

  5. catching up...
    bald babies are the best.
    paint the darned cake stand already.
    i just sent jake out to buy me some new underpants, because that time warp was too much. LOVED the music, the overalls i could've done without. i suppose they won't be touring in the mid-west...

    funny overall story...i came home from the hospital after i had betsy in 2004 in overalls. you just read that correctly. i have the photo to prove it.

    missed you in glendale. of course, i was in missouri. that's probably why.


  6. That is awesome! Life on the road must have been interesting. I use to love the Supertones song "little man"

  7. I can not believe how that takes me back... how wonderful. I too am a long-time supertones fan, touched by many a songs, many a messages shared here on the east coast. Very cool!

  8. Can I get a flashback?! Totally grew up listening to them.

  9. This is a trick right? You're not seriously married to a former band member of the supertones. I just know you're teasing because otherwise I'd truly, honestly be embarrassed by my giddy overreaction happening right now. really. i can't believe it. i will now move up my follower-ship to stalker level. wink wink.

    Seriously. super super cool Julie. Down in Orlando in my youth group we were HUGE fans.

  10. Oh Wow! I Loved the Supertones in Highschool. :) I will have to pull out some of their cd's again. :)

  11. So awesome. I remember be kept at late at night as they practiced at Jason's parents house (which my window faced directly). I listen for 20 seconds and I am transported back to sitting in my friend's room- me in overalls, my friend in orange dickies and a supertones shirt.

    So glad that they are doing a reunion tour :)

  12. How fun!!! Gotta love the good ol'days!

  13. Oh my gosh! I did not know your husband was part of the supertones! I LOVED listening to them. How fun!


    Are they coming to MN??? I hope I hope I hope!

    Ska ska ska!!

    And you are totally fab in the video!

  15. love it! now i know why your husband looked vaguely familiar :) are you the first girl in the video - standing by the curb? You are just full of surprises, Julie!!

  16. oh, and we lOVE the Supertones here, just so you know. My husband wakes the kids up most mornings by blaring their Chase the Sun album (which has since come to be known as "Daddy's Sun Music").

  17. Are you kidding me?! I am a huge (this doesn't date me does it...) fun - LOL! Awesome! Rock on.

  18. soooooo, you're the "drummers lady"... kinda HAWT honey!!!

  19. um, okay. i just came over to share my love of your button necklace at pleated poppy, saw the SUPERTONES! and almost died.
    oh man, you are taking me back!
    i think i just may have to be a follower, based on this post alone:O)

  20. Wow! I had no idea your husband was one of the OC Supertones. That's so cool! Good to see that they are reuniting!

  21. SO fantastic!! Loved seeing them play yesterday online. Too cool for school! {And for overalls, too. Aren't you glad that trend is over? No worries - I was guilty as well.}


  22. Oh my gosh...that is so cool! I remember seeing them when I was in Junior High! Had no idea!

  23. oh awesome, my college roommate introduced me to the OC supertones! gonna go dig that cd out ;)

  24. I need both of your autographs! Love the overalls, love the hair, love everything about this! Too cool! Hope we can make it out to the concert in August!

  25. Hey cool!! I liked the Supertones!! And in that top picture is Jesse Craig...I am friends with his wife, Renee! They were in our small group from church - when they lived in CO - and now they moved back to Cali...and now he's jammin with your hubby!! So cool!

  26. whhhhattt???!!!?? I didn't know this!!!! I loved the supertones growing up! HA!! Too cool!!!

  27. Your husband is a Supertone?!? That is so cool!

  28. They were just in my town (bakersfeild) on friday...I missed it but really wanted to go...

  29. for reals?

    that looks like a lot of fun!

    loved the bibs... it almost made me want to dig those bad boys outta my closet. But it's late and I know better ;)

  30. I'm here from the sweet Pleated one!

    Love me some Ska... and Ska for Jesus?! even better! :)

  31. Ahh, love them! And I just told my hubby about the reunion tour and he's pumped.

  32. When I've seen pictures of your hubby I've thought "Gee, he looks familiar! Where on God's green earth do I know him from?" Qestion asnwered! AH YES, the fabulous OC Supertones! Love it!

  33. wow! i just played the video for my husband (longtime hardcore supertones fan) and he totally sang all the words and band riffs. any tour info?

  34. SMILING. So freakin rad for like, a gazillion reasons.

  35. I have heard of them. I *have*. but when... where ... how? did they ever come to Florida?

    This is fabulous that your hubby gets to do this again -- he must be LOVING it!

  36. that is fantastic! thanks for sharing!
    just found your blog through The Pleated Poppy and am immediately a follower:) looks like so much to read and discover.

  37. I love the Supertones! How cool. One of these days I want to make it to Spirit West Coast.

  38. How cool . . . i had to bring my husband over to check out this post . . . brought us back to our dating days. Loved the Supertones!! What a fun summer he'll have.

  39. Holy no way batman! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Supertones, one of my favorite bands from high school! (not sure which one of us that makes feel older, sorry!!) I had no idea that you/your hubby were part of the band, or that there was a reunion tour!!!! This is going to be one of the coolest things today - maybe this week for sure!

  40. If it is possible, you just made me love your blog more! Had NO CLUE you were both celebrities, lol. Takes me back, I def saw the Supertones a time or two! Gonna have to pull out some CDs so hubby and I can jam tonight to the memories!

  41. I used to love the supertones. I still have one of their bright orange shirts from back in the day when i saw them in wilmore, ky at icthus

  42. THAT IS SOOOO COOL!!! I didn't know you and your dh were stars.~

    I DO wish I could see them.

    Lucy (in IN)

  43. So cool julie! Loved watching you jump around in your overalls!!

  44. get.out.of.town!! seriously...loved, loved, loved the supertones!! WOW!!

  45. So funny and coincidental! I was just talking about the OC Supertones with my ten year old on Sunday. He loves them and listens to them on his iPod all the time. I was driving him to a sleepover when out of the silence he turned and asked, "Mom what does the OC stand for in OC Supertones?" I replied, "Orange County, I think." He smiled. He and I connect a lot with music. Ska is one of my all time favs and I have passed on a love of it to him. So, THANKS OC Supertones for all the Christian Ska goodness!

  46. I used to love these guys when I was a kid - I had no idea your husband was the drummer. Crazy!

  47. Wait? He was in the Supertones??? I loved them in high school and went to see them a couple times! So cool!

  48. Brings back SO many memories!!! Was that Amy too? So cute!!! Love it. Praying for a wonderful tour and for sanity at your house. :)

  49. How cool is that? I can't wait to take a walk back memory lane and to find you in that YouTube video. Since I am sitting at the library now, I will wait until I get home. :)

  50. This is so funny! I loved the Supertones, saw them several times in college. I'm getting old.

  51. How cool is that?! My BIL was the drummer for Five Iron Frenzy and they are considering a new album in the next year or so. Crossing my fingers!

  52. wow, I didn't know you are married to one of the supertones.

    listened to them a lot years ago. fun memories!

  53. I was entering the giveaways at "Pleated Poppy" and the giveaway before yours was to look through a list of blogs and find a story or one that inspired you. Well, I chose yours, then I saw that you were doing the next giveawy :) Funny how those things work. I've added you to my google reader, even though I just cleaned it out! I'm looking forward to getting to "know" you through your blogging!


  54. I have a Supertones guitar pick that I got from a Switchfoot concert. The lead singer was using it. This was before Switchfoot was really famous. They were mediocre in their "famousity" if you will ;) (right after A Walk To Remember had their song on it) But in case you didn't know, Switchfoot likes Supertones too ;)

    I like you even more now. Why did you withhold this information for so long???

  55. I can't believe your husband is one of the Supertones! :-) I've been reading your blog for a while now and that made me like you even more, man, I went to their concert when was in high school and I lived in Germany, what a fun time! Great memories!

  56. I did not know your husband was in Supertones! I still have my Supertones Strike Back CD- great stuff! :)

  57. That is SO funny! Loved the video.

    My husband and Darren went through a one on one discipleship program together back when we were at PCC together. I'll have to let him know about the reunion tour. My boys would LOVE to go!

  58. I came here to tell you it was nice meeting you and I'm sorry we didn't get to chat more at Blog*Sugar, since we are fellow Mission-Viejo-ites. And then I see this post! I was at Saddleback this past weekend and was telling my husband, "I totally had their CD in high school!" What a small world.

  59. I had no idea!! I've been a big Supertones fan for the past 12 years or so! I'll have to see if there is a show near me :)

  60. WOW!! Love the Supertones!! And overalls are so hot. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

  61. No way in Jose. My husband just mentioned their comeback to me the other day. Little did we know I have been fontilly harassing the little drummer boy's wife. Love it. Can't wait to meet you for real in October!

    Amy Grant, Kirk Cameron, Supertones, and Fruity Pebbles. The good ol' days.

  62. Ah, if you were Christian and in high school in Southern California in the 90s you listened to the Supertones.

  63. Oh.my.word. I loved the Supertones... still have a couple of their CDs in my CD case!

  64. OH MY GOODNESS! I can't believe your husband is one of the Supertones! My whole youth group were big fans, although we were partial to Five Iron Frenzy, since we're in Denver, after all. I always thought you were cool, but now I think you're SUPER cool, hahaha.

  65. oh my word! i didn't no that was your husband! wow...my husband used to always listen to supertones in college! okay, first 2 years of marriage on the road? that sounds so fun!

  66. Just stop it already. You are too awesome as it is, now I find out your hubby is a Supertone! You are so full of suprises, Julie!

  67. No way!!! I was a hugh Supertones fan in college! So cool - I do love the overalls... brings back good memories!

  68. oh my goodness, that is amazing. big supertone fan here when i was in jr high & high school! ha! i saw them in concert at least once too. so funny!

  69. OH MY Goodness!! I was a Supertones fan waaay back in the day. I loved me some ska dancin' too. Ooh junior and high school days.... I do remember. I hope they have a blast on the reunion tour!

  70. That is so super cool! lol I too have a Supertones CD and became a fan when I started listening to Christian music way back when. :)

  71. Awesome! My husband was a huge Supertones fan back in the day. And he's a huge Unashamed fan also...said they were one of the best Christian hard core bands ever.

  72. oh my goodness; i'm 30 so the supertones were obviously a huge part of my youth group days...what a small world, and what a neat connection!

  73. Okay, seriously, that video brought back such good memories of high school youth group. I adore the Supertones, I have actually played thier songs in my sunday school class as part of the lesson. Wish I could have seen them live again!!!

  74. STOP IT! Save some coolness for the rest of us! I was a big Supertones fan in high school...pretty sure I still have an autographed sticker that looks like the Sunkist logo around here somewhere!

  75. such fun memories of high school days in the Underground. i was even in that video, rushing the car, as was my hubby! small world. crazy to see old MH faces, too. you are an awesome actress, btw.

  76. I knew... I knew you were the coolest person ever. I L.O.V.E the Supertones! I think I need to go pop in my CD now! Thanks for the blast from the past!

  77. I totally remember that day when they were putting together that video. Told my kids mommy was in a music video and they laughted, and my husband remembers me in my "overalls" stage.

    Thought about you guys when I heard that Supertones were playing at Fishfest. That's awesome that they are playing together again. Will touch so many hearts again!!

  78. P.S. Love catching up with you guys through your blog too ;o)

  79. Wait. What?
    Your husband is a Supertone?
    I totally used to go to their concerts in San Diego and my cousin just had the best time at their concert in Bakersfield last weekend. She is CRAZY about them.


  80. WOW!!!! This is Amandas husband and she follows your blog religiously! When she told me who your husband was I had to get on here and read it for myself. I am LONG TIME Supertones fan (yes I remember "Adonai") so I just wanted to comment on here and say GO TONES!!!!

  81. I don't know what I love more, how many of you are wearing overalls, or how many of you are talking on phones with cords. Hilarious.

    Can't wait to catch me some Supertones!

  82. i can't believe you're married to a rockstar.

    as if you could be any cooler.

  83. i just found your blog and LOVE it! i'm an oc girl currently living in Montana and am SOOOO bummed i won't be able to see the Supertones play anywhere near me :( especially since Jesse (who's playing guitar with them now) is a long time friend. Anyways, keep up the great blogs!

  84. i just found your blog and LOVE it! i'm an oc girl currently living in Montana and am SOOOO bummed i won't be able to see the Supertones play anywhere near me :( especially since Jesse (who's playing guitar with them now) is a long time friend. Anyways, keep up the great blogs!

  85. SHUT. UP. I adore you and read your blog religiously and now I find out your husband was part of the Supertones!? Unite is one of my favorite songs ever and I saw them in concert in Freeport, Illinois in about 1999. So cool!

  86. WOOHOO SUPERTONES! I just heard them last night at SoulFest in NH!!!

    They were great! Just posted a few pics on my FB page!

  87. The first time I ever got pulled over was after a Supertones concert. It was totally worth it! We still rock out to them once in a while...may have to bust it out again for the wee ones to dance to! That's so awesome that your hubs is their drummer!

  88. this is so funny, I found your blog through Meg's Whatever blog and saw this post. My husband was the vocalist for a christian band (The Wedding) and our whole dating and first year of marriage too, was spent him gone touring. And guess who their FIRST big tour was with, after they got signed? The Supertones!
