Meet my happy little coffee space.
The start of each day begins here.
Sometimes multiple times.
It needs something, something funky, unique, handmade...
I love shopping for art on Etsy.  There I can be guaranteed pages of beautiful prints, sometimes fodder for laughs, but most of all, affordable art that can't be found in 100 other people's houses.

Would you be willing to cast a vote for your fave?
Because I want to buy each and every single one, but fear that the tiny wall could not accommodate all of them.


  1. I LOVE the quote on the first (red) one!!! Like, a whole, whole lot! I also like the bright colored one because it reminds me of all the colors that you tend to use. And the "Good Morning" one and the "Cup Overflows" ohhhhhh whatever, I LOVE them ALL!!! That's a hard choice! Good luck!!! :)

  2. My top three votes in order are:
    3. I love you blogs and coffee
    2. the bright and colorful one by orange studios
    1. and my top vote goes for the first one. I love the quote!

    I do like them all, though. You have a tough decision ahead of you!

  3. I really love the "Hello, Darkness my old friend"-a cool reference. I would have said "I love you, blogs, and coffee", but it's missing a comma and that bothers me....

    I'm so anal.

  4. It's a tie for me.. Between "Good morning" and "We have a good thing"

    Whichever one you pick, it won't be a bad decision. :)

  5. My favorites are... the first one, the starbucks one, and the last one. So hard to choose from!!

  6. You have a coffee shrine too!?! I *heart* my coffee shrine! I would pick the first one, because my kitchen is red. But the Mod one with the girl and the owl. . . . *le sigh* I love it. And I think it would look great with your paint color :)

  7. I have 2 favorites (all are really cute)
    1. The first one! Love the red, love the saying.
    2. I heart you, blogs & coffee.

    Can't wait to see what you decide! And, hooray for having your kitchen completed! Can't wait to see the rest of the pictures!

  8. I cast the vote for the one with the pink flowery cup---only because it looks so cheery & bright, perfect to focus on as you grab that first cup of joe. As for the last one, I'm thinking you love that song, "The Sound of Silence." or I think that's what it's called. Nothing like a the quiet of silence to start of a morning full of the hustle & bustle of busy life with busy kids.

  9. I think the first one would look fabulous with your red pot.

    My favorite is the flowery cup, but I'm having a hard time visualizing it in your space.

    I'm sure whatever you choose will look lovely!

  10. You found some fabulous prints! Hard to choose one, but I love #1 and #3.

    Your kitchen is going to look amazing! LUCKY :)

  11. I like the 1st, 2nd, and 6th one!
    Let us know what you pick...

  12. I love the Good Morning with the pink cup of coffee!

  13. I like the first one and also the pink one with the big cup of coffee that says good morning! Those are my votes!

  14. Love the red. I vote #1. Can't wait to see finished pics!

  15. They are all so cute! But I think that "May Your Cup Overflow" and the Pictorialbloom are my two favourites.

  16. #1 all the way. Because a) I think the red goes very well with your teal. and b) it's a cutesie saying!

  17. The first one is my vote. (though the others are great too) I think the red will go well with the teal and your RED coffee maker! :) happy decorating

  18. My vote is for blogs and coffee! That may be because I have it next to my coffee pot! =)

  19. I vote for the girl and the owl (Orange Studio?). LOVE the colors, and the owl, and just all of it looks perfect for you! Since I know you so well...hahaha! j/k

  20. I love number one and number 3, but I must say that you couldn't go wrong with a single one cause they're all so great.

  21. Green one with the two cups and the subtle hint of red in the heart. :)

  22. I like the red one (first one) because It think the red will play nicely with your coffee maker :)

  23. I <3 the 1st one...luv the red, and think it would brighten the space and 2nd pick the colorful one would look nice next to the Barista : D

  24. THE FIRST ONE!!! I have it...and it makes me smile every time I see it. :)

  25. i'm voting for the one by orange it!

  26. I vote for numbers 1 & 3, but not necessarily in that order. It is definitely a toss up for me...

  27. All cute, but I love number one. Great picks- I'm excited to see which one you decide on!

  28. i like the 1st one. I'm liking the red & teal.

  29. I like the red one and the we have a good thing one! Cute!

  30. I see you went with the expensive knobs. Good choice! I vote for number 1. For sure!

  31. orange studio or jeane winters is my vote, sorry I couldn't narrow it down to 1!! :) can't wait to see the end result!!

  32. I like the first. The space is small and the art is simple so that it keeps the space from feeling crowded. Listen to me... I almost sound like I know what I'm talking about! ;)

  33. Definitely the first one!

  34. Hands studio. Fun vibrant colors and at 9am she's smiling because it's probably her 3rd cup.... at least. Or maybe it's 9pm and she's gearing up for a long night of crafting! However doodle and hoob is a close 2nd in honor of Lucy and her squirrel love.

  35. hello darkness my old friend!!

  36. May your cup overflow!!! Good daily reminder...

  37. The {jeanne winters} one...I think your cup overflows with beauty and joy each day...what a wonderful phrase to look at every time you pour yourself another cup!

  38. I like the first one, the blog one and the starbucks cup looking one. Decorate in odds. Those 3!!!

  39. the "how fabulous" one or the "orange studio" one. hands down..they go with the feel of the rest of what i've seen of your home, colorful, fun, bright, positive!

    love the color of that back wall. pretty pretty!

  40. I really like the bright colored one from Orange Studios. I think it matches the rest of your decor great! It's got that pretty aqua color you love too

  41. Omigosh how to decide?!?!?

    1. the 1st one "this home..." that's just perfect

    2. I just love that little squirrel!!!!

    3. "we have a good thing" - cute

    okay, so my vote is #1

    phew! that was tough :P

  42. I like the one from {Pictorialbloom} that says, "Good Morning" It just seems so

  43. My vote(s) go to the first and the last. The last one because I heart me some Paul and Art as well as coffee.

  44. i really like the "may your cup overflow" one. i think it'd be a good thing to read first thing in the morning :)

  45. fun and fun! I'd say it's a tie between the first & last ... but the squirrel makes me laugh. And I bet there's at least one girlie in your house who'd LOVE that one :)

  46. i like the cup overfloweth one...

  47. I have to agree with lots of other commenters....I love the first one! Seems to fit your style and love the saying.

  48. I've always loved your #1 option. So fun. But I also love #5 and #7.

  49. I like the first one and I think the red would look great with the color of your wall. Jackie

  50. Oh, the first one FOR SURE!!! It is perfect in every way! The quote, the red that matches your coffee pot, the font- the rest of them are cute, but do not even compare!

  51. Love #1! I think it would look best in the space as far as colors etc go! Can't wait to see the "after" picture.

  52. Tough decisions, but I keep going back to #1. I love the quote, I love the red. Maybe it's because your coffee maker is red too? Someone else said it too, but it bothers me that there is a missing comma in the blogs and coffee one, otherwise that would have been a contender (not that there is perfect grammar in this post ;) )!

  53. these are super cute!

    i like both the pictorialbloom and the how fabulous choices (my very fave.)

    good luck!!!! =)

  54. I love the Jeanne Winters piece! Everyone needs a good reminder first thing in the morning. :)

  55. Love the red sign & orange studio!!!!

  56. My vote is either for the one by how fabulous (1st one) or the one by pictorial bloom (bright color cup). Can't wait to see what you pick!

  57. i love the first one and the red would look great with your aqua wall!

  58. Orange Studio or the Good Morning one... both are great!

  59. I'd go with the 3rd one... it will accent your espresso machine and wall color nicely : )

  60. Very hard choice, but I vote for Orange Studio's girl with coffee and bird. How can looking at a bird drinking coffee not make you smile?

  61. I can't choose between 1 and 5! Can't wait to see what you decide!

  62. These are my top 2:

    1. Orange Studios (girl with coffee cup)
    2. I love you blogs and coffee

    That's a hard choice!! They are all cool :)

  63. I love love love love the Orange Studio one! Pick it!

  64. I LOVE the first red one. It is adorable. I love several of the others too, but the first is my favorite :)
    Love your blog. LOVE it. Thanks for all the inspiration and Godly Example of a wife and mom.

  65. I think the orange studio one is the most YOU. Just my opinion! I really love them all are so good at etsy shopping! I love cherry picking your finds!

  66. the first one from 'how fabulous' has my vote. we have it in turquoise, and get compliments on it all the time. not only that, it's true, AND i love type. it's graphic and clean, and awesome!

  67. I like number one too the most! But, they are all great so you cannot go wrong!

  68. i would vote for the orange studio one...the girl with the pigtail hair reminds me of your girls, plus all those amazing colors looks like you.
    everything of yours is so wonderfully colorful.

  69. For your space I like the "cup overflows" (nice reminder), the girl and the owl bright colored one, the first red one matches your machine and has a nice quote too, and the "good morning" one. :) All seem cheery to me...and if you are like me you need something upbeat to start your day!?

  70. The first one! Definitely!
    Love your coffee space :)

  71. Love the first one! I want one too and I don't even like coffee!

  72. We have a good thing...

    I love the:


    I always like


    but love



    because I'm crazy!!!!!

    And exactly how crazy am I?

    Checking your blog while I'm away on vacation!?

    Yup that C R A Z Y!!!

    I have drank more coffee in the past two days than last year alone...I need a coffee center at home, I forgot how much I missed coffee.

    But regardless of all the caffeine, my eyes are heavy...

    Sleepy time!

    All of them are really cool though, gotta love Etsy! :)

  73. Definitely the red (#1)! I love the color of your walls and red together!

  74. The first red one. Absolutely. It's perfect. And so YOU.

  75. Orange Studio is my vote, but I have a funny feeling that you could probably make just about anything look cute, even make a coffee stained dish towel! Love your blog!!!

  76. What great pictures...I love the "good morning"!

    sandy toe

  77. I love the first (red) one! I think it would be so cute!

  78. It has to be the first one! I love that quote. The bright red will look fab against the aqua.

  79. I like them all, But my fave is the first one. I love the quote!
    Love your wall color!

  80. Ooooh! How fun! My two favorites are the ones by how fabulous and orange studio. I love all the colors in the orange studio one.

  81. I love the first one deff! It has a really cute meaning and goes with coffee too! :) It's deff a hard choice tho! Good luck! yaya! for getting your kitchen done! Love the color!

  82. Oh, love it! I think I would choose the first one. I love the sentiment, and the red carries through to your fancy-schmancy red coffee pot. :)

  83. I love them all but my top 2 are the first one and the cute pink coffee cup that says Good morning! I have to start my day with coffee or else everyone that I come in contact with will hate me!

  84. The first one, "Good Morning" coffee cup and I love you, Blogs and Coffee...tough decision. Let us know which you decide!

  85. Orange studio...or i know this girl who might like to send you one created JUST for you...maybe with a scripture "my cup overflows"... just sayin'- like an early birthday gift! or housewarming...:)
    or i DO LOVE the ones you found!

  86. I vote the orange studio or jeanne winters. Or maybe both so you can change it up whether your in a funky mood or classic mood.

  87. okay, are you sure you haven't been in my kitchen? we have the same color paint, granite and cabinets!! now, I just need to invest in one of those super cool coffee machines! oh, and I love the bright colors and the "cup overflows" decor!

  88. oh, definitely the bloggy one! Cracked me up!

  89. My favorites:

    - "Good morning" by Pictorialbloom
    - Orange Studios print

    So cute!

  90. I love them all but the May your Cup Overflow matches your wall perfectly. But I really like them all.

  91. I love the third one down by Orange Studios. I love the color. My second favorite would be the top one in red.

  92. I like the orange studios one. Love the colors!

  93. The orange studio one is my first choice (love it!), followed closely by the red how fabulous print.

  94. The girl and the owl. The colors are great. The first one is a close second.

  95. Whew. Tough choice. My two faves are #1 (the red one -- love the quote, love the typeface) and #3 (orange studio, I think -- love the way it looks like stained pieces of inlaid wood, love all the colors). Good luck!

  96. I like How Fabulous, Orange Studio and Pictoral Bloom. You're right! They're all adorable!

  97. I like Orange Studio and Pictorial Bloom, but enough about that...time for me. :)
    I think you should give a blog lesson on how you use your espresso maker. We had an automatic, but it went kaput, its out of warranty, and the hubs and I still are embarrassed thinking back to what we spent on it. So, we won't be replacing it. I am thinking of getting one like you have, but frankly they scare me.

  98. too hard to decide! those are ALL fabulous, now I'm going to have to go shopping too!

  99. I vote for the one with the girl with quirky girl with princess leigh hair do!!!

  100. i love the first and third ones because they are so colorful and would look fabulous on that turquoise wall.

    my other favorite coffee quote is
    "coffee! you can sleep when you're dead" ain't that the truth!

  101. I love the red one first, and the pink coffee cup second. xo

  102. I LOVE the first one! So bright and the quote is great!

    Have a great day!

  103. The first one. It's just obvious.

    You got your knobs, I see. :)


  104. "may your cup overflow" - love it!

  105. all adorable but I think the first one is my favorite!

  106. Oh my, the choices! Very fabulous!

    My vote is for either the first one because the quote is full of awesome!


    The third one (by orange studios) because of it's very fabulous colors!

    They are ALL fabulous though.

  107. oh my word...i bought the first one..the red one from fabulous and i LOVE it..wonderful seller. :)

  108. Love the first and last ones best; but, i think i'd buy the last one. in fact, i went to the site, but didn't see the print. hmm...

  109. I really like the one from Elsiecake. It made me smile :) Happy Day!

  110. My favorite is "May your cup overflow"...LOVE THAT! :)

  111. the red is my it with your blue color, but I also really like the coffee cup that is next to many great picks!

  112. I like the orange studio picture...or the elsie cakes one!

  113. Julie, I was just looking through these photos again as inspiration and HAVE to make Lucy her own coffee mug with that squirrel photo on it! That is just ADORABLE! If I knew where your castle was, I'd make it myself and drop it off for her. :)

  114. The first one and orange studio one!

  115. orange studio!
    without a doubt.
    in second place, the SQUIRREL!! (however you spell that?!)

  116. My 2 faves are #1 (I saw that myself a while back and have it on my wish list for Mothers Day) and #3.

    Good luck, buying art is so hard and yet so fun

  117. The first one, definitely the first one by How Fabulous... but maybe the third one, by Orange Studio...


  118. Hands down #8, Pictorialbloom (Good Morning in a speech bubble with the cheery flowered cup).

    Beautiful blog!

  119. orange studio or think next to last with the big pink cup

  120. The last one is by far the coolest because of the Paul Simon reference. If you didn't know it was a Paul Simon reference, you're not cool enough to own it.

  121. So which one did you pick??? Pictures???
