I'll be honest, all of your planners, you super organized people, filling your Pinterest boards with fall and winter inspiration make me crazy.

Let me live in summer for a few more weeks.  Fall will come in all of it's drabness soon enough.  Then right on it's heels will be the crazy that is Christmas.

I'm just not ready.

But when my sweet Star Wars loving friend Marcela, told me about this beauty, all of my protesting flew out the window.

Yes.  A Star Wars Lego Advent Calendar.
Which is en route to this very house as we speak.
(Can I get a what what for internet shopping?  How did we survive before it?  I can't even seem to haul myself to the grocery store to buy milk, but I've got our Advent plans all worked out.)

Would I have bought it last year?
But now we have a really good excuse.

By the way, can you handle the Jedi awesome on my little guy?
Ashley Ann and Angi are my nerdy favorites who hooked him up!


  1. you crack me up, OF COURSE you bought that! Love his styling duds!

  2. you should check out the pottery barn collection...I could only afford the duvet cover for my son....but all their stuff rocks!

  3. So cute! He'll love it! :)

  4. My husband wants to name our baby Jedi. For reals. And our last name is Walker, so he thinks it would be cool to go with Jedi Sky Walker. Um, no. But I may need to buy that onesie!

  5. cutenessx1000
    I was at potterybarn kids this weekend and saw their star wars bedding collection. I instantly thought of you!

  6. Lego's are the best toy! Thank you much later he will. :) Now I must go get one for my little Jedi.

  7. he is just the cutest thing ever!
    i need to go and buy that now. our boys would LOVE it!

  8. i am so glad you posted that, cause now it's en route to my house, too.
    that is going to rock my boy's world this Christmas!!

  9. Absolutely precious. Thanks for the tip on the calendar! I might have to buy 6 or 7 of them and give as gifts.

    xoxo michele

  10. You just made Nate and Alex's Christmas season.


  11. SO sweet! I love all the star wars awesomeness!

  12. THOSE ARE THE CUTEST THING EVER! I laughed and called my husband over to see! I agree on the planning stuff... i don't like seeing christmas stuff already...i like to enjoy each week and month for what it is :) lol.


  13. awwww! what a sweet little boy! I really enjoy your blog, joy! it's been nice 'getting to know you'. :)

  14. Fall is my favorite season and I wait all year for it. You seem to feel the same way about summer. :-) The Lego Calendar is awesome! I might have to surprise my hubby with that one! Your little guy is super cute, especially in his Yoda gear!

  15. What a fun Advent Calendar!!
    Your little man is presh!!

  16. I totally need to nibble on all those toes!

  17. I think Shane will need one of these! :)


    Your little guy is adorable. Can't wait to see the updated family photo!

    Kind Regards,

  18. My son would LOVE this!!!
    Why why why won't lego ship this to Australia??????????????????? AAArrrrrrhhhhhhhh!

  19. Hello.watta nice blog!I love it!

  20. all kinds of geeky precious going on here. and he is 800 billion times cuter in person, if that's even possible. such a good baby. might have been the highlight of my vacay. although battling 70 million people and 98 degree heat yesterday was a close second. love him, jules!!!

  21. I LOVE his little outfit! I would have totally dressed my little guys in that!

  22. He is using the force at such a young age. My husband and his Fan Boy friends would be proud.

    I totally have that Advent Calendar on my wish list on amazon.

  23. you just might be my hero -- i'm on the hunt for that advent calendar as we speak!!

  24. thanks for the lego post - i remember seeing a lego advent calendar at target last year and then kicking myself that i didn't buy it b/c by thanksgiving they were gone! but it wasn't a star wars one - this will be awesome! and just had to say how much i love reading your blog.... you are so funny and creative!
