I am so thankful for our home.  There is nothing I like to do more than fill it with my favorite people, eating my favorite foods.  That is what it is for.  What could be better?

I am excitedly awaiting the arrival of two very special guests.  Guests that I wouldn't know if it wasn't for blogging.  This beautiful, strange, alternate universe of lives connected through the computer screen.  I am thankful for the weirdness that is blogging.  Especially when blog friends become real life friends.  Real life friends that can hop on a plane and fill your home.
Thank you interwebz...
(Want to make your own sign?  I used this easy tute, and made it in one night while watching a Man Shops Globe marathon.  Not a bad way to pass the time.)


  1. Blogging is cool like that isn't it. I'm excited for you and your guests and hope you have a great time. What a cheery room to sleep in :)

  2. i have been blogging for just over a year and i feel like i have legit friends out there that ive never met. love it! and love that sign too- what a great verse.

  3. I couldn't agree more. We too have made real life friends from Bloggy friends. I hope you have a great time. The room is very nice too.

  4. you and meg play nice this weekend!
    sounds like a blast!!!

  5. i forgot to tell you...i'm coming next week. ;)

  6. That is awesome! I so love blogging to, and to get to meet our friends is even more special! Have fun!

  7. Have fun with my neighbors! :)

  8. you and your guests are going to have a splendid time, i just know it.
    how can you not when you get to sleep in that happy room and eat on those happy dishes of yours. it puts a smile on my face just thinking of it.
    enjoy your weekend!!

  9. Blogging is so wonderful...I just meet some great blogging friends today at the Creative Connection in Minneapolis...it was so much fun!

    Enjoy your guest and maybe one day we will meet too!

  10. You guys have a wonderful, wonderful time! Get lots of good time talking and resting!

  11. um sign me up? that bedroom is outstanding, all the COLOR! what a good reminder about what homes are for- so often I find myself denying company because my home is clean enough or where I want it to be,thanks for providing some food for thought!

  12. you are so nice to give Meg your rainbow bed! she will love that! blogging MUST be so crazy for you ladies who all of us "know"....have fun together and take pictures!

  13. I think a home tour is in order, because sharing just that room is not nice. I love the verse, it is perfecto! i think one of your friends is Meg...so fun! Hope your mouth is feeling better for the gabbing and eating that is about to ensue!

  14. i am laying under this sign right now and it ROCKS!!
    i am so totally making one at my house when i go home.

  15. i'm so jealous of you & you guests! i just blogged about you & meg. ya'll are among my favorites!

  16. That room is SO Meg!!!! (and you!) LOOOOVE that verse!!!- I have it framed in my kitchen!
    Ya'll have fun!!
    Many Blessings!

  17. OMG BED SPREAD! So cute! I love how colorful your home is.

  18. I need to know where you got the beautiful bedspread! Did you make it?

  19. I LOOOOVE the rainbow bedspread I would be so happy if I was your guest and I could stay in that colorful room, I also would looove to have my room that colorful but I have a problem...big sister that likes vintage, not so good when you love colorful things and she hates them but well someday I'll have a colorful room :)
    were's bald baby? she would look super cute on top of the bed :) I love her!!

  20. Oh my gosh I love your sign. Was it really as easy as the tutorial said it was or did you do something to help make it easier? That room is so cheery for your guests.

  21. So fun! Hope you girls have the best time together.
    Loving that sign too.

  22. Would Meg like to take some vitamins home with her? Let me know and we can bring some by while she is visiting!

  23. i hope meg gets the rainbow bed!
    ha! i just read her comment that she is :) yay! have fun!

  24. seriously? that is the cutest room/quilt/sign ever!
    you have such a cheerful home :)

  25. one of my favorite verses. enjoy your special guests!

  26. SO SO SOOOO cute. I'm making myself a sign, man! LOVE it. And blogging IS weird but lovely. Such unexpected joys have come out of this crazy blog-land, and I adore it. :) xoxox Holly

  27. that quilt is to die for!!! I am inspired to create my own now! thanks for that picture- it is the kick in the fanny that I need!

  28. I love this room! Awesome! I love the sign you made also! Do you mind sharing where you found the fabric for the pillows? I love those and they would sooo match my daughters bedroom!

  29. I've never been to your blog before, but I am doing a bedroom re-do right now. (Literally right now; I'm on a break for a few minutes and reading blogs!) But I bought that same bedspread and I have all the materials to make a sign like that AND I have similar frames to those IKEA ones. (For those I'm planning on letting my kids use that tacky putty and put their favorite art up! That way it'll be ever-changing!)

    Anyway, I was just excited to see so many similarities, and I can't wait to have more time to peruse your blog!
