I just got in from a whirlwind trip of awesomeness.

Awesomeness that involved making my very first crepe.

Pretty much, I could have stayed in Betty Crocker's kitchens forever and ever.

But my sweet family would miss me.  I would miss them.  Besides, who would I bake for?

So, I came home with so many ideas, inspiration, and recipes, that I can't stinking wait to share.

Be prepared for some crazy delicious, wrapped up in an easy and simple package.

I'm giddy.

It was sooooooooo wonderful!


  1. Please, please, please let your first post be about crepes! My husband and I love them but they seem so impossible to make!

  2. Sounds and looks like so much fun!

  3. So glad you made it home safe and sound! Can't wait to hear more...espesh the easy yummy recipe part. XO

  4. Oooh... I'm also in a baking/cooking mode! So I can't wait to see what else you have in store for us!! I'm so excited!

  5. teach me, teach me! i can't wait to learn some easy peasy things to make that i know my family will love to eat.

  6. get cuter.
    and I'm so glad you had fun.
    can't wait for all your tips...
    cooking & coupon.

  7. so so so so soooooo stinkin fun. I cannot wait for all the recipes and goodness. Please share.

  8. Oh that looks like it was a blast!!! How in the world did you get the privledge of getting to do that? Do you write them & ask for tickets? Not that I'd want to do that or anything...

  9. Can't wait! All I'm looking at in that pic though is the crepe and your awesome necklace!! :)

  10. I would have been in BLISS! Please share everything that happened!!

  11. Oh, hi hotness. That's an awesome picture of you!!! Can't wait to hear all about xoxoxox and then some!

  12. Oh, hi hotness. That's an awesome picture of you!!! Can't wait to hear all about xoxoxox and then some!

  13. how fun!!!! please post some recipes : )

  14. How lucky are you?!?!?!?! I can't wait to read all about it and see some more pictures. So fun!!!

  15. So glad you had a great time! I can't wait to hear more about it! And, I really can't wait for you to post some recipes :)

  16. So glad you had a great time! I can't wait to hear more about it! And, I really can't wait for you to post some recipes :)

  17. Wow! How exciting! Can't wait to see more recipes :)

  18. Your smile is sooooo infectious! So wonderful meeting you and look forward to getting to know you better!

