I don't know how it started, but last summer Halley came up with our favorite family tradition called
Summer Nights.

Nothing fancy.  One day she just asked us if we could have a summer night.

What's a summer  night to a five year old?
Eating dinner in the backyard on a blanket.
That's it.

Not to be confused with a picnic.  Because picnics happen at lunchtime.  Away from home.
What is the best kind of menu for a summer night?
Brinner of course.
{In case you don't know the cool kids' lingo, brinner is breakfast for dinner.}

Lucy took it literally.  She donned pajamas and slippers.
Because hello, if you are eating breakfast, why wouldn't you wear pj's.

Colorful trays from Ikea were simply made for summer nights.

Bald baby was relegated to her travel high chair.
She is known to be on the loose.
But with an endless supply of plums from our tree, she was easily appeased.

What would a summer night be without some silly sister pictures?

But you know what is my favorite part of summer nights?
A night off from sweeping the dining room floor.

I'm easily pleased.


  1. Hey! Give me a good plum recipe! We have a bunch that need to be used, like now...

    Thanks ♥

  2. I made waffles and eggs for dinner last night! and ate leftovers for breakfast and lunch today.

  3. What a GREAT idea! You've convinced me: we're doing a Summer Night tonight. :)

  4. Oh, and the 3 sister pictures are frame-worthy!

  5. My first thought of a Summer night has something to do with John Travolta but that's just me. Looks like your girls really enjoyed themselves. Oh and I LOVE brinner!

  6. OK, I adore this idea!!! It was just added to my summer to-do list :)
    xoxox Holly

  7. I Love Brinner!!!
    And, I love those trays, I need those ASAP!
    We eat outside almost every summer night. It's the best!

  8. Awe... those pictures totally make me remember that I always wanted a sister! I have a certain jealousy for sister relationship, so special! I wish it wasn't still 110 degrees outside here in Phoenix, because a Summer Night sounds fabulous!

  9. Brinner - best invention ever. :)

  10. Such a great idea..isn't it funny how the simplest things can be the best times?
    Great pictures!

  11. You have the most beautiful family. How lucky these 3 little girls are to have you and each other!

  12. That is so sweet . . . and what an easy tradition!! Amen to the no sweeping thing!!

  13. LOve love love the last picture of Lucy. That goofy grin. Kills me.

  14. Love the IKEA trays. Maybe I need an excuse to get some! And is that an Aunt Beth shirt that Halley is wearing? My lil Brynn has a matchy one!

  15. Great pictures! We do breakfast for dinner when daddy is working late (he isn't a big fan) but I never thought of eating it OUTSIDE. Genius. Love those sister pictures. Your beauties have some amazing eyes!!

  16. What a great idea and fun, family memory!! Those trays are cute too!


  17. three gorgeous girls, brinner (stealing that) and a plum tree = to die, for real!

  18. Look at those beautiful eyes!

  19. aw i love sweet family traditions. that is too cute. thanks for sharing that little family storing and touching pictures with us!

  20. funny--- we totally had a "pancake picnic" in our living room last night! (while watching LeBron). those trays would have been awesome! I'll have to check those out.

  21. We need to eat outside more...and Brinner is common around here.

    I LOVE the pictures.

  22. I just love your kids, the pictures, the blog.
    Oh but bald baby is so cute :)
    when I grow up I wanna have a baby like her :)
    did I mention that I love your blog? that is one of the reasons I started blogging, but I still don't have comments :/

  23. Why, why, why don't we have an IKEA?!! Those trays are so cute and would get tons of use. Better add it to my list for the next time we go to Seattle.

    PS - Watched an old Talk Soup tonight that had a clip from the art show re: a mickey mouse painting. I'm pretty sure I know what you were talking about now! Wowza. Won't think of Mickey in quite the same way again...

  24. I love that she calls it A Summer Night!!! She will have memories forever of these times. What a great mom to follow through on things they love. And I HAVE to mention how CUTE they are!!!!!!!!!

  25. love those summer nights!! and a night off from sweeping the dining room floor? yes, please! :) On that note I might as well move all meals outside; it would surely make my life easier! And strip them down to their skivvies while they eat, then hose them off. Hmmm....

  26. what fun! and i love those trays...i am going to have to get some!

  27. Oooo! Looks like a fun idea. Too bad it wouldn't work down here in the south. Too many mosquitoes!

    But we do love brinner!

  28. These are the best memories in the whole wide world. I love the last of the silly sister pictures. Just love this idea. :)

  29. Those trays are delish! Wanna go to Ikea with me?

    ...and while we're there we can pick up some frames for those ahhhmazing pics of the girls!

  30. Oh! The pictures of them laying down, head to head...

    I die!

  31. cute. cute. cute.
    fun. fun. fun.
    sisters and a mama like you, so cool!

  32. Great post! Sweet pictures too. We rarely have breakfast for dinner and I forgot how fun it can really be. Brinner...never heard of that!
