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How has summer flown by so quickly?
Sniff, sniff.
What is a better way to celebrate, than with a bunch of fun giveaways with other fine bloggers?
Besides of course, giveaways and cupcakes... a bit of baking this afternoon might be in order.
Twist my arm.

The color of the ocean in Hawaii.
All happy things.

How about a sweet peasant dress (size 4T/5T) and matching Pretty.Messy. flower headband?
Not a bad way to celebrate.

Just leave a comment telling me your favorite thing about summer.
That's it.
Winner will be announced on July 30th.

Now it's time to bake.


  1. I love getting up early in the morning in summer and drinking my coffe outside. The sun is shining so early, it's such a nice way to start the day.....

    And my daughter is a 4t right now - perfect size for the dress!!

  2. Super cute! Love the summery colors.

  3. The best thing about summer? Not being rushed all the time. Breakfast can take an hour if needed.

  4. summer? i could live without the heat, of course. but, the time with my kiddos is the best!!!

  5. My fave thing about summer is flip flops and yard sales !!

    Awesome dress!! My favorite colors
    Would fit my lil one perfect

  6. My favorite thing about summer is going to a cabin on a lake with my family every year. It is a great tradition :)

  7. What a beautiful dress!

    My favorite thing about summer is sundresses on my girls. Or maybe it's not covering up their outfits with sweaters/coats. Maybe that's it.

    My other favorite thing is my garden in bloom.

    We just painted our living room a beautiful shade of turquoise, and it makes me think of you!

  8. Lazy Saturdays at the pool! Love the dress!

  9. My favorite thing about summer is all the free outdoor movies so many places put on. We get to sit outside, have a picnic with the kids. And snuggle up in the cool breeze and watch a movie together. And you dont have to worry about them sitting still or making noise. I look forward to it every year. :o)

  10. My 4 year old daughter says going in the swimming pool!! I say Papa's time off from work...Vacation! Got to go to Bridgeport Ca. for a camping trip this July. Like your Bass lake, Bridgeport is my childhood. Good times, good weather, good fishing.

  11. Beautiful dress! My favorite thing about summer is eating watermelons on the beach!


  12. That dress is the perfect size for my daughter and oh so cute!! My favorite thing about (this) summer is the birth of my son! If he will EVER get here! I'm 5 days from my due date and oh so ready!

  13. Adorable dress!! My favorite thing about the summer is how late the sun goes down in the evening (long days are so wonderful and happy)!

  14. That dress is CUTE!!

    I love summer's lazy days. How the cicadas hum & flowers drink up the sunshine on my porch.

    Or homegrown tomatoes.

    Or all the sunshine & blue skies.

  15. Late bedtimes and lazy days.

    That dress is absolutely delightful.

  16. When I lived back east my favorite part of summer was seeing the fireflies come out at night. Here in the desert, it's got to be hanging by the pool with good friends.

    I love that dress by the way. Is there a tutorial for it somewhere? Winning would be better than sewing one though ;)

  17. I {heart} sunshine and lazy days spent by the pool! :)

  18. Favorite part of the summer - having light dinners and feeling more on the go! I love the dress and my 4 year old would look perfect in it!
    :o) Amanda

  19. summer- late nights, lazy days at the pool and summer lovin' - just sayin :)

  20. Oh my goodness- I sooooo love the colors- just looks like summer!

  21. My favorite thing is long, sunshine filled days and warm, peaceful nights.

  22. My favorite part of this summer will be when this baby is born and I can stop baking myself. :)

  23. This dress is adorable and would be the perfect size for my daughter! My favorite thing about summer? Hands down, having my kids home with me. I generally spend the first week or two that they go back to school crying for the first hour after drop off. We love swimming and doing all sorts of fun stuff!

  24. My favorite part about summer is the how it stay light longer, sitting out in the driveway making smores with the neighborhood families! =)

    I love this dress!

  25. My favorite part of summer is playing in water. Slip n slide, pools, all of it! I am all for playing in water.

    This dress would look so sweet on my little Jane. :)

  26. So hard to choose just one thing...but...I love the warm weather and sunshine and lots of time spent outdoors!

    (Such a cute dress!!!)

  27. I love this summer... it is the first summer since high school that I havent worked full time... we just moved and unpacking for a little while seemed like a full time job... but I finally finished and now this summer brings staying up late and sleeping in late...relaxing with no schedule is so wonderful

  28. My favorite thing about summer is spending the entire day on the dock with my husband and dog - starting with tea and ending with a bonfire and marshmallows.

  29. I love the pool in summer. Any pool,it is cool and redreshing and my kids love to swim!

  30. My favorite thing about summer is trips to the lake to go boating. And sunblock. I won't buy it unless it smells just right. I love that dress!

    snowsquirt86 at hotmail dot com

  31. Fantabulous! I agree - summer is going too fast. My favorite thing about summer is beach trips and road trips to Utah to see my mom.

  32. What a very pretty dress. My favorite thing about summer is traveling. Taking mini vacations.
    nicolepipkin {AT} gmail {DOT} com

  33. My favorite thing about THIS summer is being on maternity leave with my new baby and enjoying the summer days with my older kids. I also love all the fresh fruit and veggies that are ripe in the summer. Delicious! Watermelon slices and a BBQ at the beach with the family... can"t beat that!

  34. There's so much I love about summer...but I for now I'll say I love sitting outside at dusk with my husband after the kiddos go to bed and having a glass of wine and some quiet couple time.

  35. So cute! My favorite thing about summer is family swim parties with lots of watermelon!

  36. This sounds weird but we live so close to the beach now & I love the fog! June gloom has been glorious. After 5 years sweating it up in Missouri the fog in summer is my favorite thing ever!

  37. oh summer... I love summer. I will admit - the heat & humidity can get annoying .... but! I love days at the beach. they are the. best.!

    ...I have a sweet little girl in mind for this sweet little dress! love it!!

  38. My favorite thing about summer is just being outside....winters in Michigan get l.o.n.g. and nothing beats finally being about to get outside, get fresh air, and hang out with the family!

  39. my fav is watching the kids play in the water and handing out popsicles to the neighborhood kids.
    wait, who am i kidding?
    i just love that i can sew for a few minutes while they all play outside :)

  40. Love the sunshine!

  41. My favorite thing about Summer is taking my kids to the pool and watching them splash and play.

    I LOVE the dress, too-- its gorgeous and I know Addison would love it, too.

  42. Wow... my favorite thing about summer is swimming, and sleeping late, and staying up late :) and smores.

  43. my favorite thing about summer is hours and hours with my boys with no school to do!

  44. sleeping in.
    by far the bet part of summer for me.

    i wish i was asleep right now.

  45. Naps... the sun wears out my little ones and they have been taking naps daily.

  46. Oh, I love the dress! And I have a sweet girl who would fit it perfectly! We love all the extra time to play in the summer! Thanks for the giveaway!

  47. I love playing outside with my kids until 9 pm!

  48. I love swimming & sippin' lemonade w/ my loves in the summer time.

    Beautiful dress!

  49. I love babies running around in nothing but a '/diaper.

  50. The best thing about summer? Reading to the kids on the porch.

  51. My favorite thing about summer is that a trip to the pool can make you as happy as a real trip ... and it was basically free!!!

  52. oh what a wonderful dress!! my favorite thing about this summer has been growing a vegetable garden with my daughter. we love watering the plants every morning and she is so proud of the produce we've picked when they turn plump and juicy!!

  53. Vacation, vacation, vacation!

  54. My favorite thing about summer is spending lots of time with friends and family, and enjoying our beautiful state!!!

  55. My favorite thing about the summer is going to the beach!! I love laying in the sand listening to the waves crash. Perfect!

  56. Spending quality time w/ Da'Gorgeouses & the long late night chats w/ dear hubby are my favorite things about summer! Hugs & Blessings!

  57. Such a pretty dress, love the fabric. My favorite thing about summer is long days!

  58. I love sitting on our deck....watching our oldest play in her "house" and our youngest bounce in her johnny jumper into the pool :)

  59. The best thing about summer, other than not needing an excuse to make a drink ;) is getting an amazing tan from being at the beach!!

    Thanks for the giveaway! LOVE the dress!

  60. Adorable! And I think it would fit my daughter perfectly next summer. :)

    My favorite thing about summer is the longer days! Love that I can be outside working on a project or just watering plants until 9:30 or 10:00 sometimes. :)

  61. Oh beautiful! I would say that All the YELLOW everywhere is the most wonderful thing about summer! Yellow is such a friendly color, don't you find? :) Happiness..

  62. Summer is warm sunny mornings, the beach, ice cream for dinner, camping in the backyard, riding with the top off of the jeep, S'mores, catching fireflies, family memories, but the kids make summer AMAZING.

  63. heading to the beach with a great book. Cute dress!!

  64. My favorite thing about summer is frozen lemonade! (At least that's my favorite thing today.)

  65. My favorite thing about summer is my little girl playing in the pool. She LOVES water and I don't know what we are going to do when it is not warm enough for her to play outside in the pool anymore...I guess she will be taking a couple of baths a day to get her fix!

  66. Well, being a teacher, the no-brainer is getting the summer off to spend with my little one...oh yeah, and that i can wear my flip flops!

  67. That is such a sweet cute dress! LOVE the colors!

    My favorite thing about summer is having the grandkids stay over more often and longer! =)

  68. fave thing about summer is listening to my kids play and laugh, having simple fun and making memories.

    The dress is awesome!

  69. The only good thing about summer is the end. The clothes are cute though!

  70. Eating freeze pops with my kids! The dress is adorable!

  71. I love the kids being outside and playing in the water. I like not having to tick with the homeschooling schedule.

  72. Sunshine, the pool, the beach, picnics on the lawn, sitting on the porch with my husband after the kids are asleep, and endless trips to the park. I never want summer to end.

    Love the dress! And my daughter is a 4T!! Woohoo!

  73. cute dress! best thing about summer? not having to stick to a schedule!

  74. I think I've said this before but it's worth mentioning again. My favorite thing about Summer is NOT packing school lunches. Oh, and swimming, sleeping in, hanging with my three girlies, and eating fruits and veggies from our garden....but mostly the school lunches. :)'re rad. Justthoughtyoushouldknow.

  75. My favorite part of Summer my Birthday starts the beginning my daughters birthday in the middle and my sons birthday ends it. I love planning parties while I still have a say before they start getting to opinionated :).

  76. The beach...sun, sand, surf. Can't beat it :)


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  79. my daughter would LOVE that dress!
    seriously l-o-v-e!

    my favorite thing about summer is sitting on the back deck, watching the kids run through the sprinkler and sipping a yummy strawberry lemonade drink. Mmmmm!

  80. My favorite thing about summer is going to the lake and lounging in the boat. Ahhhhhh!

  81. Iced cold black tea lemonade with my toes in the grass watching my babies run through the sprinkler...summertime, and the living is EASY!

  82. my favorite thing about summer is a bbq and a Honeymoon with an orange slice. Mmmm...

    Oh, and that dress is the perfect size for my daughter!

  83. Perfect!!
    Swimming and watermelon are my favorite summer things!

  84. My favorite thing about summer is the smell of sunshine and sunscreen on my kids. :)

  85. Swimming, BBQ's and Kiddos! Thanks for a great giveaway!

  86. My favorite thing about the summer is all the color! The blue sky, the ocean reflecting the sky, the shiny green leaves, the flowers galore, the sun pouring onto everything, and all the bright, happy colors everyone is wearing. I love it!

  87. Relaxing mornings are definitely my favorite part of summer.

  88. First let me just say BEEE-utiful dress! And my favorite part of summer? Freshly made, ice cold LEMONADE!

  89. I love the color of that dress! My favorite part about summer is swimming in the sunshine :)

  90. Everything about summer makes me so glad! i love the heat, swimming, sunbathing, going out on the boat with my family, the ocean, sea shells, the sun going down so late, the beach.

    man, it's my favorite time of year!

  91. Wow! I love it! My favorite thing about summer: it's still light and warm after dinner time so we can go outside as a family and take a walk or throw the frisbee.

  92. Being able to stay in pajamas all day and stay up late to catch lightning bugs!

  93. love the dress...

    the beach! (preferably on a sunny day, which has been rare this year)

  94. What a beautiful dress!! Can i wear it? my fav thing about summer, is the warm nights...i love taking a walk at night when its still warm out. oh and the beach is just understood.

  95. That dress is soooo beautiful! My favorite thing about the summer is spending time with my children, especially in the pool!

  96. My favorite thing about summer is having time to spend with my younger cousins when they're out of school!

  97. How is summer already half over? GAH!

  98. What a fun little blog party!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE that Nicey Jane fabric and the dress would fit my almost-Kindergardener just perfect. Crossing my fingers! My favorite thing about the summer is the long evenings, with the beautiful late sunlight.

  99. My fav things about summer...

    letting the kids play in the kiddie pool or sprinkler and then skipping bathtime!

    and rarely having socks to wash:)

    catching fireflies in mason jars

    popsicles for dinner!

    I have 3 little girls, that dress would some good love in our home:)

  100. I love catching fireflies with my kids during the summer!

  101. Oh I love the dress.l I have two cute little granddaughters that would look adorable in that dress and that is there size.

  102. The sun! The sun is my favorite thing about summer...laying in it poolside while watching my lovely child splash in the water.

  103. My favorite thing about the summer is spending time outside.

  104. My favorite thing about summer? Hmm, I would have to say spending time with my nephew who gets to come visit more in the summer.

    What a cute dress!

  105. summer is great because it's warm and there's watermelon and all sorts of good fruit..and sweet corn!!!

  106. The warm sunrise on my patio....ahh I love summer!

  107. I'm a 40 hour out of the house working mom who works at a college. During the summer I can take half and full days off easily to have mommy daughter adventures with my three year old. I enjoy this time more than holidays.

  108. sleeping in and swimming! love the dress - that's all my little diva will wear right now so would love to have it. :)

  109. My favorite thing about summer is spending all day with my kids! I am a teacher and I miss them during the school year!

  110. Even though it comes at the end of summer, I drool in anticipation for my mom's wild mountain blackberry pies. Her crusts have a tender flake with a nice crispy first bite and then a melt in your mouth finish. She makes an incredible crumb topping, and those little tiny wild mountain blackberries are TO.DIE.FOR. Ok, now I'm mad I commented b/c I'm more than craving some right now!!


  111. My favorite thing about summer is swimming with my babies! Also watching then run around in the grass during twilight chasing dragonfly's!

  112. My fave thing about summer is water...preferably me in it swimming. Last fave thing is the heat...and mosquitoes.

  113. lovely! my daughter would love this! best thing about summer....hmmm....eating ripe peaches at the beach!

  114. Favorite thing about summer... trips to the beach!

  115. Summer fun....longer days, less clothing, and a reason to eat lotsof icecream....

  116. My favorite thing about summer..hmmm...the lazy afternoons, playing in the sprinkler, and wearing tank tops every single day!

  117. Garden food and barefoot kiddos. Trips to the park. Family reunions and summer cookouts.

  118. I love summer time bc being outdoors, sunshine, tan lines, water, reading beneath a shady tree.

  119. That is absolutely beautiful!

  120. I love the longer nights...that it stays lighter longer. Yay for daylight savings time! :)

  121. Summer means sun, water, sand, and the beach!

  122. love the evenings sitting by a fire til you're too tired tro go inside...and of course all the beautiful stuff in the garden!

  123. I love the bright colors for clothes that you get to wear. And swimming of course.
    I'm dying to get one of your messy flowers and have a 4 yo girl, so I just HAVE to win! (wink):)

  124. Such a cute dress and the perfect size for my daughter this coming year.

  125. I love(!!!) being home with my darlings! & sleeping in....and watching lots of movies...& lightning bugs....& fireworks...(i could go on & on)


  126. Love the dress! I love the summer b/c sunny days make me happy. I love playing outside as a family after dinner. Iced coffee, sweet tea, & ice cream just taste better in the summer.

  127. Beautiful dress! I have a little girl that would love it!

    My favorite things about summer are picnics, longer days, sundresses on little girls, fresh fruits and veggies, flip flops and family vacations.

  128. best thing about summer...sitting outside until nightfall with the neighbors...grilling some yummy food and catching fireflies !

  129. I love having my children home. I love the slow pace of summer and sleeping in. I love going to the pool and carefree playdates. Summer in our home is a time for family.

  130. I love summer because it just seems so relaxing. Winter is gray and depressing.

  131. Popsicles by the pool! Love the dress!

  132. My favorite thing about summer is SUN! Its too rainy here in the PNW the rest of the year usually!

  133. drinking loads of ice tea and listening to the cicadas chirp outside while I fall asleep

  134. i am a teacher, so having the summers off to spend with my kiddos is the best!

  135. staying in our pajamas all day if we want to! yep, i said it ...i have no shame! : )
    super cute dress!

  136. My fave thing about summer is being able to spend hours on the computer and my ipod Touch at night after everyone's gone to bed, knowing I don't have to homeschool anyone the next morning. Ahhh...

  137. my favorite thing about the summer is growing a garden and watching the butterflies!

    Thanks for the giveaway

  138. What isn't to love about summer? Kids home from school, the pool, long summer nights, no rushing, watching your kid play baseball, camping, fishing, lake trips, canoeing, whole family water fights, reading on the front porch rocker, fresh fruit and veggies.... I could go on and on.

  139. Love the dress!!
    My fave thing about summer is family vacations!


  140. My favorite thing about summer is the sunshine... it makes for a fun wardrobe.

    LOVE the dress!!! I hope I win!

  141. I love that school is out and the kids are running and playing outside. The laughter and silly games are fun to hear and watch. They come home filthy and tired, but oh so Happy!

  142. summer nights and ocean....and more reasons for ice cream...and well summer is my favorite season.

  143. I love having time to bake new recipes with my daughter. Because we both have the summers off, we get to do things that we don't have time for during the busy school year.

  144. I love love cookouts and the days at the pool.

  145. My favorite part of summer is the long evenings when we're done with supper and dishes and can enjoy time outside together playing and enjoying the night!

    Love your colors and the adorable dress!

  146. My favorite thing about summer is the beautiful warm weather. I also love the summer clothes they make for little girls. The winter stuff makes her look too grown up. Not to mention that it is much easier to change a diaper while wearing a dress rather than pants!!

  147. My favorite thing about summer is camping. You get to be out in nature, forget all your worries like finances and such and create wonderful memories with your kids. Oh and you can't forget about the icecream:)

  148. I am not familar with summer, i live in indonesia, but i think i'll love summer because it's holiday.

  149. My favorite thing about summer... is all the summer produce, especially all the berries!

  150. I love watching the kids have more time with daddy--he's a school principal with more free time in the summer.

  151. Beach with the kids=summer bliss.
    Love from,

  152. what i love about summer is cruising in your car, windows down, sunglasses on & your favorite song on the radio.....THATS summer!

  153. Summer fruit! Strawberries, nectarines, peaches, raspberries... need I go on, I'm sure you get the picture!

  154. Spending time at the beach with my babies!!

  155. The best thing abt summer would be summer evening walks with my family!

  156. Beautiful dress! My favorite thing about summer is going to the beach.

  157. I love the early morning sunshine in the summertime. This dress is so summery - like wearing happiness.

  158. Country music, iced coffee, lazy hot days by the pool. BEST part though...Teacher Hubby is HOME ALL DAY!

  159. I love having the kids home, letting them roam with their friends in the neighborhood, and summer taking on a life of its own as their "summer life" unfolds.

  160. My favorite part of summer is the longer days. It feels like I can't get so much more done with the daylight!

  161. Cute dress! My favorite thing about summer is fresh fruit and especially ripe tomatoes!

  162. I love the way it stays dark until 9 pm! Can't beat the long summer days.

  163. My favorite thing about summer is evening swims in the pool <3

  164. I love having the chance to have my grandkids over to spend the night more often in the summer. Can't beat it!!


  165. Relaxin at home, outside with my family..bon fires, playing in the grass, jumping on the tramp, a nice juicy steak with the works and then walks together in the evening.

  166. Summer...I love the freedom to be more spontaneous. I love the long, warm, bright days. Michigan winters are long, cold and dark, so we take full advantage of it being light until 10:00 or later at night during the summer.

  167. Love that we have camped every summer up in the Sierra's for the last 35 years. Over the years our group has grown to be almost a mini family reunion for 1 week during the summer, 23 campers strong, all family. The place hasn't changed a bit and I love that my kids are getting the same experience I did as a child.

  168. i love how it stays lighter later...more time for outdoor play!

  169. Vacations with the kids!! Camping, swimming, all sorts of fun.

  170. I love that there are no time restrains, we have no routines, no homework and kids can sleep in as long as they want. Most importantly, NO HOMEWORK!!

  171. I love not having to go anywhere first thing in the morning. I get two cups of coffee and an extra 30 minutes with my Bible!

  172. So cute!! My favorite thing about summer? This is pretty hard since I am 32 weeks pregnant and wondering why we decided on this timing...

    Okay. I can do this. Right now my favorite thing about summer are the delicious tomatoes that my neighbor grew in his garden and shared with me:)

  173. What a beautiful dress! My favorite thing about summer is all the outside play time with my little ladies!

  174. My favorite part about summer is that my 2nd grader is home and I get her all to myself!

  175. I love cherry slurpees!

    Cute dress - my girl kidlet would look great in it!

  176. I love warm sunshine on my skin - swimming pools and late summer nights on the porch with my dirty kids (from a full day of fun) and my hubby!!

  177. Such a cute dress! Favorite thing about summer is beach days with my family! Love just playing in the sand and surf.

  178. The best thing about summer is dinner around the fire pit with my kids. My Stella would look great in this dress!

    jonahandbeckylang at hotmail dot com

  179. beautiful dress!! love that we have no schedule in the summer among many other things!

  180. The best thing about summer is the feeling of unrestricted freedom. Not to mention better weather, water, wonderful time for family and friends and yourself. Amen for summer!

  181. SO pretty!!!

    Favorite thing? Watermelon on the back porch and bare feet running through the grass. (I have three little girls too!) :)


  182. flip flops, iced coffee, and vacation

  183. Best thing about summer- no schedule, no deadlines, just enjoy the day.

  184. Ok I accidentally linked up when I thought i was leaving a comment. Sorry! WOW! Such a cute dress!!!!!!!

  185. My favorite part of summer is the sound of cicadas, crickets and tree frogs in my backyard. Oh and the lightning bugs too! Love your blog!

  186. flip flops, flip flops, flip flops!!!
