My little scheme seems to be working brilliantly!
Save any last minute tricky tricks by purse dog,  the pathetic, illiterate baby has earned herself some crackers!

But still vote if you haven't yet!
Anything could happen.
Plus, the goodies are still up for grabs.

To distract myself from the iPad mayhem, I am working on a fun tutorial for my sweet friend Heather at Blessed Little Nest.
She his having a week filled with guest bloggers and amazing giveaways.  A perfect way to kick off your summer fun.

I am so excited!

How about a sneak peek of my little project that I will be sharing on Monday?
The same project that once it is finished, Heather is going to give away?

Here you go:
Want another clue?
It starts with chalk and ends with board.

Stop on over and tell Heather that I said hello.
She is phenomenal.
I truly am so inspired by her and her sweet family, and I know that  you will just love her.

There is even a cute, summery giveaway to get the party started.


  1. Good Luck! I just voted and I posted the link onto my facebook page. Give that baby a cookie, she's doing good.

  2. So excited to be posting with you tomorrow! :) Nancy

  3. When I say Chalk, you say Board, Chalk/Board, Chalk/Board! Can't wait :)

  4. all four votes went to you and your ipad...i mean janey's ipad. doh!

  5. you are my favorite...but let's just keep that between you and me, k?

    on another lucky are you that your hungry baby will wear a bib! my little pig pen just yanks it off and then rubs food in her hair to show me she can. man, i love that mischief maker!

  6. I cast my vote time four... I would rather win your goodies than an ipad... I can't wait for tomorrows tut!

  7. You got all 4 votes from me! You deserve to win. That picture is hilarious!!

  8. oh yeah! that little pooch has no chance. I am stoked for you!!!
    ...and super excited about Heather's summer bash! fun, fun, fun!

  9. oh I can't wait to see your tutorial :)

  10. yay! your photo (and baby) really was the cutest anyways. i voted, 4 times, and posted to my facebook page.

  11. I just realized that I hadn't voted with my Facebook blogging I did....and you got FOUR more votes!
