I needed some trim...
teal trim.
none to be found.
so I bought white trim and teal Rit.

but I am not one to let a perfectly good batch of Rit go to waste

so in went the ric rac

and an old chenille bedspread

and some starfish
but then it got crazy.

I had a blonde emergency.
Then a crazy idea.
Time to dye my hair.
Give it a break from the fakey fakeness and straw.

Meet my new dishwater blonde,
 dirty blonde,
no, those descriptions are gross.
Meet my new cafe con leche brownie blonde.

What is all of this dyeing for?
Are you dying to know.


Patience my friends, patience....


  1. I am so like you - buy dye for one thing and all of a sudden half the haose is that colour. Looking for the reason for all this dyeing.

  2. I just picked up fuchsia dye and I don't even need fuchsia trim ... just had the sudden feeling that I should add more pink to my life.

  3. That is a fantastic idea about dying your rickrack and trim! I need to remember that. :o)

  4. Love the hair color ... very natural and looks great with your skin tone!

    Yes, wondering what all the dying and teal is needed for - will be holding breath! BUT love the idea of making your own when needed .. colored ric rac and lace or whatever! thanks for sharing the idea.

    Have been thinking and praying about you lots this week since you had not posted since Sunday. Hope you are having a good week.

  5. ha ha...You look so cute! Can't wait to see your secretive project :)

  6. For a second I thought you were gonna say that you put your hair in the Rit dye, LOL. Can't wait to see what's coming!

  7. Pretty! Pretty! You and the fun things you dyed :)

  8. So funny. I cannot wait to see what you are up to. fun. That lace dyed teal looks awesome. I am sure whatever you are making is going to be amazing. I cannot wait! I have never dyed anything yet. Looks kind of fun.

  9. So cute. Doesn't look dark at all. When I did mine, it almost looked black it was so dark. Hence...the tears and hate for hair color changes and the nervousness for my friend.

    Cannot wait to see....

  10. So many items to dye for! Love the starfish...would never have thought of that and don't know what your hair looked like before but it looks great now!

  11. LOVE the hair! Can't wait to see what all this work is for ;)

  12. Your hair looks so pretty!! Shiny, happy, and very.very.pretty!!

  13. Sometimes you just gotta dye. Unless you're me and should know better than to try to dye your hair blonde and KNOW it will end up some awesome shade of yellow-orange. Yep, sometimes you gotta let the professionals DYE.
    Can't wait to see what you're up to!!

  14. Julie...you are so funny! Hope you are well!

  15. You are not allowed to leave us hanging like that. Not fair at all...

  16. Never thought of dyeing my own trim to match a project! Thanks for the idea! Can't wait to see what yummy goodness you've got cooked up!

  17. I like the new do. I have been dying to dye my curtains brown in the bedroom but I have one of the new fangled washer and I don't think you can dye in it. :( Can't wait to see what you are making!

  18. OK, so I totally need some teal Rit dye right now . . . I tie-dyed a set of sheets for my bed once and they came out fabulous, and it was really easy to do in the washer. So I'm really thinkin' I need some tie-dye aqua yumminess for my bed! That would be totally sa-WEEEEEEET!

  19. Oh and yes, I totally thought I was going to see some teal streaks in your hair! I was actually sitting here thining i might try it too, if you had good results - hmmm, teal compliments strawberry-blonde, no?! . . . . . . . sriously wondering if Rit works on hair. LOL! You go try and let us know!
