No, you don't need glasses.
Yes, you read that right.
Things are getting crazy and I just couldn't wait until Friday.
The. Vintage. Pearl.

The Vintage Pearl.
The fabulous mom to four little ones ranging
in age from 11 months to 8 years.
Who loves to hang out with her gorgeous family,
make stunning jewelry
Yes, please.
(Excuse me, I have to catch my breath right now.
Please give me a minute. Okay, I'm back.)
An heirloom in the making.
Are you freaking out, or is it just me?
How can you win?
So glad you asked.
(Remember, leave a separate comment for each entry.)
(This will be really difficult. Really, really.)
5. Follow my blog.
6. Tell your super cool Facebook friends.
7. Blog about it.
8. Tell me your favorite drink at Sonic
(A brand new one opened nearby and I am so excited
finally join the "I can go to Sonic during happy hour" club.)
Entries will close on Friday June 5th at 8 a.m. pacific time.
Happy, happy, happy.
My favorite drink at Sonic? Anything with extra ice. I love me some pebble ice!! And I love the Vintage Pearl!
ReplyDeletewhat a beautiful shop!
ReplyDeleteI think name around my heart is probably one of my favs!
My favorite item from her shop is the mom's charm bracelet which she is currently sold out of. I LOVE IT! (ps, are there extra points for being first? Guess I must love your blog too!)
ReplyDeleteBeautiful! Do you know I have never been to Sonic? Ever. In my whole life. There are none around here!!
ReplyDeleteAnd now instead of just being a lurker, I am officially a follower.
ReplyDeleteI just visited Erin's blog and left her some love!
ReplyDeleteI am now following thevintagepearl !
ReplyDeletefollowing joy's hope, of course!
ReplyDeletefollowing joy's hope blog, how could I have not been already???
ReplyDeleteanyways,I am now!
Love the petite flower! What a beautiful idea. Great giveaway too, I so hope to win. :)
ReplyDeletewell, I dont recall ever going to a sonic, but, I saw a commercial for FREE ROOT BEER FLOATS, TODAY, I would have to say ROOT BEER FLOAT!
ReplyDeleteTwittered about it right away:
ReplyDeleteawesomest giveaway on Joy's Hope blog! go and check it out!! RT @Joyshope: For reals??? On my blog???
I can go to Sonic during happy hour club
ReplyDeleteis this an official club?
of we are non drinkers, so this is a club I would be very interested in joining!!!!!
Obviously, I had to follow your blog too. :)
ReplyDeleteHey Julie,
ReplyDeleteI believe sonic is right in between, that (or target) could be our meeting place, when you decide what your next stamp is going to be!!!
fun give away Julie! thanks to you and the very generous Erin!
I follow Vintage Pearl on Twitter now too.
ReplyDeleteSo what do I do when I don't have a Sonic around here??? No entry with this one, I guess... :( *very sad face*
ReplyDeleteI know this wasn't an entry, but I just twittered about it, since I was very excited about this giveaway!
ReplyDeleteleft a comment at Erin's place... ohmygoodness! and i agree, the name is one of many favorite things.
ReplyDeleteand my favorite items... ohmygoodnessagain! who can choose?
ReplyDeletei love you to the moon and back... dainty little circles... really i could go on...
Oh her shop has been one of my faves for a LONG time!
ReplyDeleteI adore "i love you to the moon and back... with names". So precious!
And I love ALL Sonic drinks! Root Beer Floats have been a childhood favorite!
Thanks Joy!
so i will about sonic... now, i have never been to one before last week when a girlfriend picked us up some drinks on our way to walk (somehow that seems to fall in the category of "defeating the purpose"... oh well!) anyway, i had a cherry slushie.
ReplyDeletesorry to be reptitive, but...
ohmygoodness! :)
blessings to you from the east coast!
I already follow your blog and twitter and now I follow the Vintage Pearl :)
Love the rectangle on a chain- beautiful!!
ReplyDeleteFollowing you on Twitter!
ReplyDeleteFollowing Erin on Twitter!
ReplyDeleteNow that I'm officially in love with the peace dove enamel necklace, I'm going to have to let my husband know that I'm having a love affair with the necklace.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite Sonic drink is a Route 44 Diet Coke. LOVE Happy Hour!
ReplyDeleteI missed out on the last giveaway....forgot to come back and sign up!! So here I am for this one! LOVE LOVE LOVE Erin's shop! I have one of her necklaces already and cherish it. {It is the "I Love You to the Moon and Back" one.}
ReplyDeleteMy favorite thing in her shop? Well, there are lots, but I am definitely loving her new enameled necklaces! The Little Birdie is my fave!!
I haven't lived near a sonic in 1 yr. and I miss it everyday, especially at happy hour. My most favorite drink, it's divided. Cherry lime sprite or a plain jane Dr. Pepper.
ReplyDeleteIt's official, I'm a loyal Joy's Hope follower.
ReplyDeleteLeft some comment love over on her blog!
ReplyDeleteJust added Erin to my list of Tweets to follow!
ReplyDeleteOHHHH Sonic how I love thee...
ReplyDeleteGet yourself a Cranberry Grape or Cranberry Lime Slush....mmmm!!
And remember Lemon for the kids!!
And their Banana Creme Pie Shakes used to be YUMMY! Haven't had one in years, but it sounds totally delish right now!!
I'll have to go with the rectangle on a chain necklace!
ReplyDeleteLemon Berry Cream Slush is my fav. The seahorse is so pretty. Would love it to adorn my neck!
ReplyDeleteLove this in her shop:
I would love it with my 3 kids' names:)
a petite flower ! but love all the stuff
ReplyDeleteI wish there was a Sonic close to me. :( I would love to give the Cup of Love to my DIL who had her first son 8 weeks ago.
ReplyDeleteI follow you on twitter
ReplyDeleteI am now a follower !
ReplyDeleteI follow her on twitter
ReplyDeleteleft some comment love. her blog is so cute!
ReplyDeleteI follow your blog
ReplyDeletetwitter follower
ReplyDeletefollow (stalk?) you.
ReplyDeletenow following her on twitter.
ReplyDeleteCherry coke, iced tea with lime, cherry limeade, vanilla Dr. Pepper...I could go on and on. They are all addicting...
ReplyDeletealthough i have only been ONCE on a road trip, the root beer float takes it.
ReplyDelete1. Square Names with Love!
ReplyDelete2 - LOVE the picture her son drew of himself as president!
ReplyDelete3 - following!
ReplyDeletefollowing your blog!
ReplyDeleteI love her petite flower necklace!
ReplyDeleteHmm. I really like the "I love you to the moon and back" necklace. They are all darling!
ReplyDelete4 - following!
ReplyDeletetwitter dot com / deannanb
(I'm pretty boring to follow - but love to read all of the other tweets!)
5 - I've been following your blog for a while! Love it!
ReplyDeleteNever had a drink at Sonic's...and we have one! I will have to get my butt over there soon.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite drink at Sonic is the new Mango Cool breeze slush. Delicious! I was there for happy hour today. Don't know if I have ever loved spending .97 more in my life!
ReplyDeletecommented on her cute that cake!
ReplyDelete6 - Happy Hour - Large Cherry Limeaid - extra ice - no rinds (they fill the cup with the extra Lime rinds) - next time I'm going to ask for extra cherries!
ReplyDeleteand if I need the caffeine - I get a large Coke with extra ice - Love the ice
did you know you can buy a bag of the ice?
I don't just follow your blog. I stalk it! ;)
ReplyDeleteLove the rectangle bracelet... and the spoons. cute!
ReplyDeleteI recently found your blog from Flipflops & Applesauce! I've thoroughly enjoyed reading your posts! Thank you!
ReplyDeleteAnd as far as my fav Sonic drink?! Hmmmm. . . anything made with Sonic ice has to be good, right?!
Hey! A Sonic opened up by my home too (Mission Viejo)... I like their Slushies.
ReplyDeleteOh the I love you to the moon and back one is adorable!! But really, my favorite is the one with the flower... the one she's giving away! WOOT!
ReplyDeleteLove the Faith's my middle name. And love Sonic coke...I am boring! :)
ReplyDeleteI commented on her blog here
I love the little heart. Beautiful shop.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite Sonic drink is the diet limeade! I LOVE their ice (what is it about that stuff?) and the diet limeades are perfect summer refreshers!
ReplyDeleteI love sonic and all their drinks are good. However, I LOVE their icecream.
ReplyDeleteLeft some bloggy love! :)
ReplyDeleteI am following you, baby! ;)
ReplyDeleteWow! I "need" lots of her jewlery! It is all beautiful! I like the dainty circle necklace. . .I "need" one with my kids' names on it!
ReplyDeleteOoooh.... favorite Sonic drink is definitely the Strawberry Slush. I haven't gone too far out of my comfort level yet, as they just opened here, but I LOVE that they use REAL strawberries. It actually tastes like strawberries, not strawberry syrup! LOVE IT!
ReplyDeleteum, diet coke with light ice please! i love their ice, but the cups keeps your drink nice and cold so there is no need for so much of it.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite shop item is definitely the "cup of love" necklace!
ReplyDeleteAnd for sonic - the Fresh Lime Slush! OMG, I drank so many of those in college in Texas - dang it was so freakin' hot, and those were SO GOOD.
ReplyDeleteoh, my goodness, her shop is i love the petite flower and the fused flower, but i think the spoons are to.die.for.
ReplyDeleteof course i follow you!
ReplyDeleteI would have said my favorite is the seahorse (gorgeous!) but I don't see that up anymore so someone must have snagged it!
ReplyDeleteCan you tell this jewelry inspired me? I couldn't resist leaving some love over on Erin's blog!
ReplyDeleteI heart the cup of love! So precious
ReplyDeleteI'm a follower...I mean, who isn't? :)
ReplyDeleteThe only time I have ever been to a Sonic is the summer of 1994! and it's been too long to remember what I ordered, sorry!
ReplyDeleteOOohh those are gorgeous! I love the "names on my heart" one - I could fit all four of my kids names on that one!
ReplyDeleteI'm following you on twitter!
ReplyDeleteWell no fair - there aren't any Sonics where I live! But I'm sure it would be something cherry flavored. :)
ReplyDeleteSquare names w/ love!! So gorgeous, and unique obviously. If I don't win, I'll just have to buy it anyway.
ReplyDeleteI left her a blog comment on the adorable picture of her little girl in football pads and a skirt, lol! She has to approve them, so I don't have a link, sorry!
ReplyDeleteI love twitter, how did I ever function without it???
Yay, following you on twitter now!
Well, I already follow you on twitter, so i guess that doesn't count. Choosing a favorite drink is gonna be hard, so I'll go with the classic cherry limeade! I wish they didn't put so much club soda in it though, the last time it was a bit too diluted for me.
ReplyDeletei love the hope picture and the crochet hat for a child...oh and the jewelry of course!
ReplyDeleteLove these!! I love the dainty charms with the lowercase letters!! such a wonderful idea as a mother's necklace!!
ReplyDeleteAwesome giveaway. I love the peace dove, because coiuldn't we all use a little bit more peace in our lives and the world. You were rignt - it was a tough decision! Thanks!
ReplyDeleteTruly loving the peace dove enamel necklace.
ReplyDeleteI just had my first sonic slushie (lemon) today! Now I am craving another. But I don't live very close to one! That lemon slush was awesome!
ReplyDeleteI love the dainty names on a chain. But anything out of her shop would put a smile on my face! What a fun giveaway! Thank you!
ReplyDelete1. my favorite TWO things from her shop are the little birdie necklace (in robin's egg blue!) and the petite flower necklace. so cute!
ReplyDelete4. i am following you on twitter ! :)
ReplyDelete5. i follow your blog :)
ReplyDelete8. my favorite sonic drink is the blue coconut cream slush. mmmm
ReplyDeleteI've been wanting one of those personalized necklaces since our new addition 4 months ago. I'll take the square names on a chain please!
ReplyDeleteCommented on her blog.
ReplyDeleteI follow your blog.
ReplyDeleteThere is only one drink at Sonic for me: strawberry limeade!!! Yum.
ReplyDeleteI love the "Circle of Love" pendant. It would be perfect to put my kids names and birthstones on
ReplyDeleteI already follow your blog, too
ReplyDeleteMy favorite drink to get at Sonic is the strawberry slushie. It's perfect when the temp gets above 100 here in Redding (which is just about all summer long)
ReplyDeleteOk- I am freaking out too- names around my heart is priceless!
ReplyDeleteI visited her cute blog and left some love- what an amazing mom and crafter!
ReplyDeleteI'll have one baby talking on the phone, please. Oh,wait that one's not for sale...actually I love her dainty hearts on a chain! Great shop and giveaway!
ReplyDeletestill follow you's not really a drink but I love their blasts....especially the Reeses.
ReplyDeleteI love her!! posted about that exact seahorse necklace last friday only my blog. look here:
I have given her necklaces as gifts to two of my friends; now I need one for me!!
fav sonic drink = a tie between their sweet tea & the cherry limeaid. yummm...
ReplyDeleteI visited her cute blog and left a little love
ReplyDeletelast comment from me...I just left erin a comment on her blog. hope I win!
ReplyDeleteLove her shop!
ReplyDeleteI'd have to say that today (a girl can change her mind, right?) it would be the square and circle stacked necklace. Simple and sweet!
I follow your blog :).
And my favorite Sonic drink WAS the raspberry limeade (when they used real raspberries), but now would be the strawberry limeade. Mmmmm.
Circle of love necklace with birthstones. How beautiful!
ReplyDeleteCherry Limeade. Ummm, that sounds so glad. Alas, the three years I lived in the OC, no Sonic was nearby. Every time I go home to the midwest I stop at Sonic for this drink.
ReplyDeleteI follow you on Google reader. Does that count?
ReplyDeleteI love the mommy charm bracelet! I like grape slush from Sonic. Love your blog. I love all of your fun idea.
ReplyDeleteLove her shop...added her to my faves and I ALWAYS shop from my faves :) I'm eyeing her square necklace with names with it! xo
ReplyDeletewow!!! i love her "to the moon and back" necklace. great giveaway!
ReplyDeletei visited her blog and commented :)
ReplyDeleteI'm now following her on twitter :)
ReplyDeleteVisited Erin's blog and left some fan mail :) xo
ReplyDeletei'm following your blog :)
ReplyDeleteFollowing the vintage pearl on twitter :)
ReplyDeletefollowing joy's hope on twitter :)
ReplyDeletesick of me yet? can you tell i really want to win?
Hello! I LOVE LOVE LOVE following your blog...I just love the way you write. And, just checked out Vintage Pearl and my favorite item is "names on a chain... 2 charms". Super cute!
ReplyDeletefacebooked it.
ReplyDeleteis "facebook" a verb now? like "google?" i think so :)
blogged about it :)
ReplyDeleteman, i realllllllly want to win!
my favorite sonic drink is either an apple juice slush, diet cherry limeade, or good ol' diet coke with lots of ice. their ice is the best!
ReplyDeleteand the free rootbeer floats are tomorrow night (june 3) from 8-close.
and i'm already following you on Twitter :)
ReplyDeleteI love the peace dove. So pretty and simple.
ReplyDeleteGave her comment luv!
ReplyDeleteFollowing you on Twitter!
Blog follower!
ReplyDeleteLove me a Vanilla Diet Coke. Yum!
ReplyDeleteI love everything...but especially the names on a heart! Cute!
ReplyDeleteLeft a blog comment :)
ReplyDeleteI'm a blog follower:)
ReplyDeleteMy fave drink is either a cherry limeade or a good old cherry slush:)
ReplyDeleteI love the chunky daisy chain bracelet. I left a comment on Erins blog. I follow Erin on twitter, and now I follow you on twitter and your blog too! I do not have a facebook account or a blog. I LOVE the Strawberry limeade @ Sonic! I'm glad I found your blog, through the Vintage Pearl tweet!
The petite flower us my favorite.
ReplyDeletetwitter follower:)
ReplyDeleteLovely shop!! My favorite is "names on my heart". Definitely hard to choose one favorite though, like you said!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite drink at Sonic the coconut cream pie milkshake.
ReplyDeleteErin is also a super nice lady!
ReplyDeleteOn the phone she talks a lot. :)
And her jewelry is beautiful.
Sonic - Rt. 44 Diet Cherry Coke. Yeah baby!!
my fav piece of jewelry is dainty names, my fav sonic drink is the low-cal cherry limeade.
ReplyDeleteI love Vintage Pearls jewelry. Thanks for a great giveaway!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite Sonic drink is the cherry limeade and although they have the best ice--I always ask for no ice so I get more drink. Mmmm now I'm craving one...
ReplyDeleteYou're so right - impossible to find just ONE thing I love in her shop. Love the 'a little heart'; the 'square names with love'; "dainty hearts on a chain'; and 'fused heart on a square'.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite, which was hard to decide is the petite flower!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the giveaway.
Sadly there is no Sonic in Nova Scota but I do see the commercials on TV, sometime I'm in the US I'll check it out.
I absolutely LOVE the stamped spoons...I need to get one of those!!! Thanks for another great giveaway, het things are gorgeous!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite sonic drink is a lime slushie - but I also love the cranberry slushie.
ReplyDeleteI am a follower of your blog :)
ReplyDeleteLeft her some bloggy comment love :)
ReplyDeleteI left some love on Vintage Pearl blog...she takes amazing photos!
ReplyDeleteI am a follower
ReplyDeleteMy favorite sonic drink is cherry limeade. Yum!!! Although, part of it is that crunchy's the best!!! You know you can buy it by the bag???
ReplyDeleteMy Favorite thing is the chuncky Daisy braclett! But all are cute!
ReplyDeleteI'm a following you on Twitter!
ReplyDeleteI follow your blog!
ReplyDeleteMy favorit Drink at Sonic would be orange pop! I love orange pop! No Ice please! Hurts my teeth!
ReplyDeleteFollowing vintagepearl on Twitter!
ReplyDeleteI LOVE the engraved baby spoon! what a great shop!
ReplyDeleteI really like the "I love you to the moon and back necklace!" My kids and I have a contest every night to see who can come up with the most creative way to say I love you.
ReplyDeleteI am new to your blog and am really enjoying it!
Told my super cool FB friends about it, too...
ReplyDeleteI have been to sonic once. We dont have any close to me here in Nor Cal. I am so jealous one is opening near you. I would get a diet vanilla coke for happy hour everyday! YUMMY!
ReplyDeleteI read your blog every day!
ReplyDeletejust left a comment on her blog also! love her blog!
ReplyDeleteI check out her site every day to see what she has for sale! She does awesome work!
ReplyDeleteI am already following your blog, but now I am also following vintage pearl's blog :)
ReplyDeleteWow-do not know which creation I like the best . . . fused flower, rectangle, enameled - so many beautiful things to see.
ReplyDeleteBeen following you for awhile!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite (for now) is the mother's charm bracelet!
ReplyDeleteOh and my current Sonic fave is the mango limeade! My 3 year old loves the pink flamingo. You have to be old school to know what this is, and most order-takers do not even know. It is a sprite with lemon and strawberry!
ReplyDelete1-5: Check
ReplyDelete8: No Sonics to be found in my 'hood, but I hear the Cherry Coke with crushed ice is to die for!
square names with love for me - so lovely! thanks
ReplyDeleteMy fav in her shop must be the dainty hearts on a chain. Thanks for the chance to win.
ReplyDeleteis it ok for me to enter another giveaway so soon after winning? i hope so!
ReplyDeletei am in love with her work, it is beautiful. so hard to pick just one favorite! i really love the enameled peace dove.
i follow you on twitter
ReplyDeletei also now follow she on twitter
ReplyDeleteand i left a comment for her as well on her blog.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite item from her shop is the fused flower bracelet, which is sold out of it looks like. I love it!
ReplyDeleteThanks for a great giveaway!
I am a your blog!
ReplyDeleteLove the necklaces...hard to choose a favorite! Also love the spoons!!!
ReplyDeleteI get a large Coke at Sonic...even got one today!
ReplyDeleteI follow you on Twitter.
ReplyDeleteI'm following The Vintage Pearl on Twitter.
ReplyDeleteI truly think she is my favorite of all the handstamped jewelry I've seen. My favorite is dainty hearts on a string.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite is the cirlce of love. TOO CUTE!
ReplyDeleteLove 'little birdie' in Robin's Egg Blue! It is so sweet, birds are so sweet- thanks for the heads up on her stuff! way cute!
ReplyDelete...blogged about it, too!
ReplyDeleteI love the dainty heart charm fun! Sonic rootbeer rocks my socks off!
ReplyDelete...and am a follower now, too!