Since I switched to cloth diapers I haven't been able to use my standard diaper clutch. They are much bulkier and the clutch only fits one diaper with no wipes. Hardly functional. So I had grand ideas to sew a cute purse to fit them in. I had this fun Swell by Urban Chiks charm pack and had no plans for it. Enter purse project. I also thought I would try out the Timtex interfacing that everyone raves about. I happily sewed away and even found some amazing clear acrylic bamboo handles and added a yo-yo pin to give it spice. Well, it is too small for the diapers. Oops. Measure twice cut once right? So now I have to think of a plan B for it. Perhaps it will show up on Etsy? Back to the drawing board for the cloth diaper issue. By the time I figure it out Lulu will probably be potty trained.

Posted in cloth diapers, etsy, oops, purses